Archives – 2006  

We Always Knew Beth Ditto Was Cool!
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Good to see the NME catching up with us, it’s over four years since Tom and I saw The Gossip in Oxford, but the main reason for Beth’s coolness was her performance at the late lamented King of Corsica karaoke night, at the end of that tou[…]


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Quality Food: Honestly Priced. It might be true (it might not be) but is it a zingy Chrimbo slogan? But then Waitrose in my years of watching TV, have never advertised on the box before. Part of the John Lewis Partnership (never knowingly undersold, […]

Call Him By His Name
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As many of you probably know, my wife Isabel gave birth to a baby boy on Friday afternoon – mother and baby are still in hospital, until tomorrow we think: he is absolutely fine but she had a difficult labour so they’re keeping her in for[…]

Mother’s ruin?
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On Thursday I met my mother for a spot of Christmas shopping in the West End. “I need a Secret Santa present for a fiver or less”, she declared. Despite having many years of consumer experience my mother decided the best place to find a g[…]


End This Heresy!
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Consider yourselves on notice, Morrisons.[…]


The Bible Of Badness: The Magic NUMBERS
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Numbers is the fourth book of the Bible, one where the Israelites are wandering around, fatalistically looking for a home. Had their Father forsaken them, had they plumped for the wrong religion after all? Its alright being the chosen ones, but when […]


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This years FT Advent Calendar (see long running, never quite complete calendars passim on drinks and Christmas films). So this year the idea was mooted that we talk a bit about Christmas adverts: ADVERT CALENDAR: DO YOU SEE? And if you do see, and yo[…]

Tanya’s Teaser: What’s That Coming Over The Hill?
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Welcome to my new quiz for music fans, where if you win I will send you all the hated music I have “liberated” from the Virgin Megastore but would not fit in the dustcart when it came on Friday. Clearly I cannot have the music lying aroun[…]

bow down before your new god
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endless caruso one-liners
(i would say “hat-tip to blount” but i don’t wear a hat and i mightily dislike the phrase “hat-tip” so THIS CLIP COURTESY BLOUNT thanx blount)[…]

torchwatch #7: vanilla planet
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actually i wz on the phone for the first whole first half ( favourite irl pirate) but even so I REST MY CASE
formal sublemma:
i. captain kidd
ii. captain flint
iii. captain slaughterboard
iv. captain jack sparrow
v. captain jack harkness[…]


Latest comments on FT

  1. Thanks for the deep dive into all of this lunacy. I started reading Cerebus in high school, when it was…

  2. The self-contained Five Bar Gate issue and the issue where Cerebus and the Stooges stumble their way through 100% darkness…

  3. My wife was diagnosed of Parkinson’s Disease at age 61. She had severe calf pain, muscle pain, tremors, slurred speech,…

  4. Should "anyone else Sim likes are" be "anyone else Sim dislikes are"? The examples given, particularly feminists, seem more like…