Archives – Books  


Normal Men, Innocent Men
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The Sorcerer Of The Wildeeps, Kai Ahsante Wilson (2015)

A fantasy novella that gestures at vaster conceptions than its slim length can contain, Sorcerer Of The Wildeeps is at once a rich broth of engagingly florid prose, a pointed lesson in the us[…]


HAUNTOGRAPHY: The Treasure of Abbot Thomas
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You probably want to read The Treasure of Abbot Thomas before you read this.
In M R James’s universe everyone who matters is fluent in Latin. It’s not so for the modern reader – or at least this modern reader – and there&#8217[…]


HAUNTOGRAPHY: Oh Whistle, And I’ll Come To You, My Lad
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Another in our series of posts about the ghost stories of MR James. You can find this story here.
“Oh Whistle” has the reputation of being one of MR James’ most chilling and effective stories. It’s also – not coincidentally – one of his […]


Its Almost The Ewok Adventure
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Here’s a little factoid for you: the word “Jedi” is said 24 times in The Men Who Stare At Goats.
The two words “Star” and “Wars” are however only ever mentioned once, in the context of Ronald Reagan really l[…]


why philip pullman is a bit of a nincompoop on this one: a diagram
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LWW: lucy and susan get to ride on a lion’s back
PC: omg lucy and susan get to WINE-CRAZED ROMP with BACCHUS dude. Actual real quote: “Two of the Maenads… helped her take off some of the unnecessary and uncomfortable clothes she was[…]


The Ingredients are in the NAME!
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The Dictionary of Drink has the noble aim of being ‘a guide to every type of beverage’ and is the kind of thing one can happily browse for hours during a lazy session in the pub. We found a copy in the very fine King Charles I off Cally R[…]

Where the Wild Things Art
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art inspired by maurice sendak’s 1963 classic, at TERRIBLE YELLOW EYES[…]


hauntoMAGOGraphy: interim offcuts
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ie two books by james that aren’t ghost stories, and another book that isn’t by james
i: Old Testament Legends:being stories out of some of the less-known apochryphal books of the old testament, by montague rhodes james, which i bought a […]

No Guru, No Method, No Teacher
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I am writing a piece for a market research mag on the current “hottest thinkers” that industry people like to namecheck. Inevitably many of these people are as much derided as loved, so I decided to ‘crowdsource’ a list of the[…]

SF Writers: Stanislaw Lem
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Lem was a Polish SF writer, occupying a strange place within the genre. He despised most SF (Dick was the only American SF writer he admired – an opinion that was not remotely reciprocated) for its vacuity and shallowness, which accurately impl[…]


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  1. It’s always tough when a go-to site shuts down, especially one like MP3sFinder, which was a reliable and fast resource…

  2. Thanks for the deep dive into all of this lunacy. I started reading Cerebus in high school, when it was…

  3. The self-contained Five Bar Gate issue and the issue where Cerebus and the Stooges stumble their way through 100% darkness…

  4. My wife was diagnosed of Parkinson’s Disease at age 61. She had severe calf pain, muscle pain, tremors, slurred speech,…