Archives – pub  


Sam Smith’s and the Fitzroy Tavern
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It seemed appropriate to return to writing with a piece about the refurbed (although that’s an understatement) Fitzroy Tavern and my continuing love/hate relationship with Sam Smiths. Huge swathes of the pub writing on FT is about Sam Smiths b[…]


…Down Paradise Row
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We went to Mother Kelly’s in Bethnal Green for the first time last night (it’s only been open a couple of weeks) and it’s LOVELY! Twenty-odd taps of well-kept keg (including seven last night from De Molen), six fridges of well selec[…]


The Annual Between Christmas And New Year Pub Crawl 2013: The Islington…Something Or Other…
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Yes, it’s the most wonderful time of the year, it’s FTABCANYPC time!
This year for our 14th crawl we will be having a little saunter around Islington.
Every year, on the 29th (except when it wasn’t) we go an a merry trail around a l[…]


Old Fountain, Old Street
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One of the pubs unfortunately missed from our ‘tween christmas and new year pub crawl, for to because it was shut, partly due I suspect to lack of passing trade over the festive period, but also to finish off their very nice renovation work, Th[…]


The FT Top 25 Pubs of the 00s No 3: The Royal Oak
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photo by Ewan-M
The Royal Oak is wonderful because it is such a perfect example of an ordinary pub. It does nothing extraordinary or alarming. It is a Proper Pub, with small rooms and nicely mismatched furniture, and random plates and pictures on t[…]


The FT Top 25 Pubs of the 00s No 4: The Calthorpe Arms
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So, we reach the top 4, an area, one would assume, of almost complete agreement between those voting but, for some reason, our fourth choice has elicited strong opinions, hence two different views. Let’s take this to the comments box!!![…]


The FT Top 25 Pubs of the 00s No 11: Trinity Arms, Brixton
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The Trinity is the only pub outside Zone 1* on this list. That’s not to say that we are a bunch of central London fanatics, but it is where we pretty much all work and, therefore, where[…]


THE FT TOP 25 PUBS OF THE 00s No 21: The Newton Arms
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Having worked around Covent Garden from the middle of 2002 I’d walked past the Newton Arms loads of times (not least on the way to Parker Place where the original Club FreakyTrigger was held) , but always thought it looked a bit, y’know, […]


What? In the Park???
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As you are no doubt very much aware, here at Freaky Trigger we are:
A. very much in favour of the pub
B. quite partial to a festival every now and then
So, hey, what could POSSIBLY GO WRONG with Pub In The Park? I, I don’t really know where to […]

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