Archives – Games  


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Tree Rex. Eye Brawl. Scarlet Ninjini. If you’re the parent of a small boy there’s a good chance you know these names well: the ferocious cast of Skylanders, a computer-game-meets-action-figure franchise which has become my son’s first honest-to[…]


Pokémon X And Why
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While most of my online acquaintances were geeking out today at the thought of a new David Bowie album, our house was far more excited by the announcement of new Pokémon games – Pokémon X and Pokémon Y, the first on Nintendo’s […]


FT Advent Calendar Of Free Online Games: 23rd December
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A couple of days of Christmas to go so now to the massive games with hundreds of levels and never ending challenge, you guys know how much I love the games. And maybe something Christmas related tomorrow! Today is less pretty, fes[…]


FT Advent Calendar Of Free Online Games: 21st December
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A lively discussion was had last night amongst several FT regulars about why basketball and soccer don’t lend themselves to a Moneyball-style stats revolution where conventional wisdom about “character” and coming through “in […]


FT Advent Calendar Of Free Online Games: 20th December
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So today, as we are rolling towards the big day, the windows of our advent calendar should start showing the big guns. The Three Kings, the Little Drummer Boy, the Shitting Catalonian Boy. And certainly when it comes to online flash games this really[…]


FT Advent Calendar Of Free Online Games: 19th December
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Its not all action action action around here you know. Some times we want contemplative, relaxing games set in some sort of primordial soup. Where biology rather than physics is the aim and, well, you can’t lose. Look at this creature after all[…]


FT Advent Calendar Of Free Online Games: 18th December
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chicken wings are NOT for flyingChicken Wings are NOT for Flying!
Ah, who can forget the wide-eyed terror of throwing up a hail of low level umbrellas to catch a clumsy chicken who missed your initial shot, but not being able to stay and look after h[…]


FT Advent Calendar Of Free Online Games: 17th December
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Sorry for delay. Free wine. Can’t think of a game to put up. There is only one solution. Google “MONKEY HIT GAME!” I was very drunk…
Hurrah there is a response.
Hello little fella.



FT Advent Calendar Of Free Online Games: 16th December
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From Kat, Queen of game playing procrastinating (perhaps abdicated):
“Before we had Nintendo brain training, the country’s academic elite were forced to sharpen their faculties in other ways – the Post-It Note Forehead game, shotgla[…]


FT Advent Calendar Of Free Online Games: 14th December
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EMO Special.
In the pub, Cis mentioned a subsection of flash games which were emo. How could a game be emo, I wondered. And then I saw this on the opening screen.



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  1. the punk community kindly disownes you, have your stuff packed, being hateful is not punk, honestly this is the most…