Archives – Film  


London Film Festival: Two Gates of Sleep
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There’s precious little dialogue in this film; a couple of mumbled lines, and some yelling of names about sums it up. But the two main actors have a wide range of non-verbal noises at their disposal; they grunt, yelp, pant and sniff, splutter, […]


World’s Highest Expectations
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I had to constantly remind myself before I went to see World’s Greatest Dad that when I saw Sleeping Dogs (nee Stay / Sleeping Dogs Lie) I had no expectations. Bobcat Goldthwait’s scabrously sweet dog sex satire turned out to be one of my[…]

Comedy Is Still Not The New Rock And Roll
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In Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Russell Brand had it easy playing Aldous Snow. His was a bit part, ripe for scene stealing and he played a stereotypical British rock star, all excess and showboating. All he had to be was more exciting, interesting and […]


The FT Top 100 Tracks Of All Time #19: Michael Jackson – Billie Jean
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There really isn’t much to add about Billie Jean that wasn’t mentioned in Tom’s excellent piece for Popular, or indeed in this Freaky Trigger & The Lollards Of Pop episode where we heard Jackson’s slightly ramshackle unfo[…]


This Is No Place Like Holmes
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Sherlock Holmes does give the reviewer plenty of options on the Holmes based puns. In probing the homoerotic subtext we even get the Guardian crying about Holmesophobia (nice work – cheers). And all of this is hung on some sort of idea that the[…]


Finding Emo
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I vaguely remember Where The Wild Things Are as a kid. I don’t think it was a sanctioned kids book in my house, and there was a very small window for picture books to flourish before I went for the word only hard stuff. But I so remember leafin[…]


To Squid Or Not To Squid: The Unreviewed 4
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So here’s the last batch, from March onwards where ones new Years Resolutions start drifting away. And rather than great, or bad movies, these are all a bit of both, rather reliable and stolid rather than stuff worth writing about. All films i […]


The Most Irritating Title Of The Year: The Unreviewed 3
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Three more unreviewed. Two good one TERRIBLE. From which I think you are starting to get the view that I really like writing about mediocre films, or films that almost made it. Find me an interesting flaw and I will be all over you like a badger with[…]

I Didn’t Want To Talk About Them: The Unreviewed pt 1
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My new years resolution in 2009 was to review every film I saw in the cinema that year. That came to 114 films (so far) of which I managed to say at least something about 97 of them. So over the next few year ending days I will run down the films I d[…]


Me And Orson Welles Is A Perfectly Fine Grammatical Construction
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Indeed it is a perfectly fine movie, telling a terrific backstage story with a central capture of a young Welles which tells you a hell of a lot more about the man than any trad biopic would. The film comes on like a Woody Allen period piece, with an[…]


Latest comments on FT

  1. Tom, I loved loved loved these polls and participated obsessively, until one day (it was March 2023) I just stopped…

  2. I feel sad that I couldn't persistently engage in every poll as much as I'd have liked - and not…

  3. Thanks for doing the polls, Tom, and for writing this lovely, considered, reflective piece. It’s given me closure on my…

  4. Lovely. I drifted away 18 months or so ago (I liked being all in on it and life stuff just…