Archives – Series – Advent Calendar 2009: Games  


FT Advent Calendar Of Free Online Games: 24th December
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What’s this through the extra-large double-door of the 24th?
You’ve played the freeform Line Rider, right? (And if not, this truly is the best double-dose flash game day of the advent for you.) It’s been given a tiny festive makeove[…]


FT Advent Calendar Of Free Online Games: 22nd December
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What a lovely day for an adventure with BEARS. WarBears that is. A lot of flash games are there for a 1 minute distracting thrill while a progress bar makes its slow way to the end. But If you fancy actively dodging more work, and why not, everyone e[…]


FT Advent Calendar Of Free Online Games: 21st December
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A lively discussion was had last night amongst several FT regulars about why basketball and soccer don’t lend themselves to a Moneyball-style stats revolution where conventional wisdom about “character” and coming through “in […]


FT Advent Calendar Of Free Online Games: 19th December
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Its not all action action action around here you know. Some times we want contemplative, relaxing games set in some sort of primordial soup. Where biology rather than physics is the aim and, well, you can’t lose. Look at this creature after all[…]


FT Advent Calendar Of Free Online Games: 17th December
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Sorry for delay. Free wine. Can’t think of a game to put up. There is only one solution. Google “MONKEY HIT GAME!” I was very drunk…
Hurrah there is a response.
Hello little fella.



FT Advent Calendar Of Free Online Games: 16th December
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From Kat, Queen of game playing procrastinating (perhaps abdicated):
“Before we had Nintendo brain training, the country’s academic elite were forced to sharpen their faculties in other ways – the Post-It Note Forehead game, shotgla[…]


FT Advent Calendar Of Free Online Games: 15th December
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The point and click puzzle game these days seems almost as dead as the text adventure. And in the case of the text adventure (interactive fiction darhling) perhaps they have just reverted to their core audiences oblivious of the technological progres[…]


FT Advent Calendar Of Free Online Games: 14th December
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EMO Special.
In the pub, Cis mentioned a subsection of flash games which were emo. How could a game be emo, I wondered. And then I saw this on the opening screen.



FT Advent Calendar Of Free Online Games: 13th December
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What was the first flash game you ever played? What was the first one that someone excitedly sent you a link to? It could have been anything, but I bet for at least forty percent of you out there it may have involved a lot of green. And been more or […]


FT Advent Calendar Of Free Online Games: 12th December
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More puzzles. This is probably the flash game I have wasted the most time on in the last six months. Hopelessly addictive, ridiculously simple. It doesn’t even bother to give you much in the way of instructions. Just click away on the puzzle wh[…]


Latest comments on FT

  1. The original Charlatans were the band who started the San Francisco sound I hate these guys because A they couldn't…

  2. Glad to hear that Coldplay's Christmas Lights is slipping down the charts. I swear I heard it everywhere this year…

  3. I don’t often give guarantees, but I am certain you will love both The Husbands and All Fours :)

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