Archives – 2000 – July  

Pat Metheny, Derek Bailey, George Bendian & Paul Wertiico: Sign of Four
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For godsakes, it’s fucking PAT METHENY trying to sound like Derek Bailey with Bailey right there. What could be worse? Well, Kenny G trying to sound like John Zorn with Zorn right there, maybe, but only because we could count on Bill Laswell to[…]

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Mark E Smith has a few issues, oh yes indeed. You see, he’s concerned about the number of lesser bands out there who stole all their ideas from The Fall. “I invented acid house, me. I’ve been using dance techniques for year[…]

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The Other Day, 1988
Dear Mr D.
In our opinion, we are suckers.
We are most interested in having you for our army, or whatever. We are aware that, in our visualisation of your giving ‘a damn’, you are most likely to say ‘never’[…]

David Bowie – five more cheap shots
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DAVID BOWIE ? Five More Cheap Shots
1: Do you remember, your President Nixon? Come on, its 1974 Dave, you would have to have a pretty poor memory to have forgotten about Nixon. You can understand people forgetting about Dre, he?s just a producer afte[…]

DAVID BOWIE And The Smartest Girl He Ever Went Out With
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DAVID BOWIE And The Smartest Girl He Ever Went Out With
And when I get excited, my little China Girl says:
Oh baby, just you shut your mouth
I’m with the young lady from Shanghai here. But don’t just restrict it to when you’re excit[…]

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I’m sorry, I have to admit a mistake.
The title of David Bowie’s 1995 opus was not 1. Outside. No no no. It was 1. Outside: The Nathan Adler Diaries. A Hyper Cycle.
Let’s repeat that. Just in case you missed it.
1. Outside: The Nath[…]

DAVID BOWIE : Two Armed One Armed Bandit
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When Davy Jones was in his Brixton school playground and his best mate (mark that – his best mate) whupped him a good-un upside the head, his eyes span round like fruit machine wheels, finally settling on the blue and brown we know and love. If[…]

DAVID BOWIE – Five Easy Pisstakes
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DAVID BOWIE – Five Easy Pisstakes
1. ‘Kooks’, his touching tribute to his infant son. “Will you stay in our lover’s story?” “No, Papa, I will not, for you have given me the stupidest name on Earth, you bastar[…]

DAVID BOWIE asks ‘Is There Life On Mars?’
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DAVID BOWIE asks ‘Is There Life On Mars?’
Tanya answers: No. Most scientific studies have shown that Mars is wholly inhospitable to life having bitterly cold nights, and a wafer thin atmosphere, not to mention a paucity of water. Whilst t[…]

DAVID BOWIE: Low – Blank
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Possibly a 1977 version of Blankety Blank had this question set as its Supermatch Game. Low- Blank. It would be a bit unfair though because if you are referring to the Bowie album of said name, so many words could have filled the blank. Low Quality f[…]


Latest comments on FT

  1. Very good article,I benefited a lot from it.

  2. Brilliant satire! The government's passive-aggressive tone is chef's kiss. Love the Colin Powell/Forrest Gump & clock details. So dismissive, yet revealing.

  3. Very good article<a href="" target="_blank">,</a> I benefited a lot from it<a href=" " target="_blank">.</a>

  4. Very good article<a href=" " target="_blank">,</a> I benefited a lot from it<a href= " " target="_blank">.</a>