Archives – Elisha Sessions  


The Hackney Empire’s New Act of the Year
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The main event.
It was a perishingly cold Saturday night on Mare Street, and the Empire was sold out.
Staff were taking photos of each other, old friends were hugging and saying hello, before saying goodbye. It was the last hurrah for the current sta[…]


Similarities between the Internet and a dentist’s waiting room: II
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And just what did the Internet look like when Bis’ major label debut Tell It To the Kids came out? In this post I present to you another piece of unearthed arcana, now that the BBC’s never-lamented “Gateway to the Stars” is no[…]


FT Advent Calendar Of Free Online Games: 21st December
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A lively discussion was had last night amongst several FT regulars about why basketball and soccer don’t lend themselves to a Moneyball-style stats revolution where conventional wisdom about “character” and coming through “in […]


Hackney Empire New Act of the Year – Audition #6
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Well I must have been onto something in my last audition roundup because Roland Muldoon has echoed my observation that today’s young comedians eschew, by and large, political or social commentary. Muldoon – the guy who ran the Empire for […]


The FT Top 100 Tracks Of All Time #20: Chic – Good Times
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What exactly are good times, according to Chic? The lyrics refer to jitterbugging being involved, but it’s hard to believe many people on the dancefloor actually jitterbug to it (past tense of jitterbug: jatterbug?). The jitterbug isn’t a[…]


It Would Have Been Somethin
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You’d think that “Wanna Be Startin Somethin” would be the ideal way to open a movie about Michael Jackson. In This Is It, though — patched together from four or five rehearsals for the 50-concert extravaganza which famously ne[…]


Hackney Empire’s New Act of the Year – Audition #4
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One oddity about this year’s hopefuls* is that not one has done political material. What are the chances? This is a fairly catholic smattering of forty or so comedians from all over the UK (though mainly London) and after a few nights of hearin[…]


Hackney Empire’s New Act of the Year – Audition #3
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Stand-up comedy, like all art forms, has a few hardy perennials. In the plastic arts you’ve got landscapes painted with oils, for example. In standup you’ve got jokes at the expense of disabled people. In theatre, say, you’ve got bi[…]


Hackney Empire’s New Act of the Year – Audition #2
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The last big event the Hackney Empire will put on before it goes dark for an indefinite amount of time next year – thank you Arts Council – is the New Act of the Year. Theoretically anything goes, but “new act” has come to pre[…]


Baseball roundup
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I’ve left it a little late, huh? The season could be over tonight, around 11pm. That’s Eastern Standard Time, Bronx Time, the time at Yankee Stadium, where the World Series returns this evening after a brief and inconclusive middle eight […]


Latest comments on FT

  1. But only when provoked! It plays its cards very close to its glistening vest unless being prodded with a hot…

  2. Actually now I think about it there's another big break with the 1982 version - how the Thing itself behaves.…

  3. I just think if you're going to make such a huge break with the previous movie, to whose structure you're…

  4. I dunno, I'm pretty on board with Berlatsky's interpretation of the all-male cast. It does more than just dispense with…