Archives – Elisha Sessions  


toward a better understanding of powder kegs and sparks
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There are a few subroutines missing but as I say, this is only TOWARD a better understanding. A complete knowledge may ultimately be beyond the ken of humans. Thanks to[…]

It Finally Happened
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One of my dreams last night apparently included the song “Ripple” by the Grateful Dead.
How do I know this?
Because I Googled the lyrics IN MY DREAM.
And … every result was an incorrect transcription, or a different version of[…]


Franklyn: Dodge It
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Just thinking about it saps me of any pleasant thoughts I might have stored up, but it’s important that I tell you, and that you understand, that you should never, on any account, see this movie.
Here are a few of the reasons why:
1. Much of it[…]


I Hate Andy Murray
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Andy Murray chastises a tennis ball

During Wimbledon’s inaugural set of night-time tennis on Monday night, played under what’s become the most famous roof since the Sistine Chapel, I found that I loathe every particle of Andy Murray.

I Got Ants in My Pants and I Need to DANCE
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On a recent radio program I heard some old dude talking about how kids dance these days: “Just all by themselves! Jumping up and down with their hands in the air!” This guy goes to some good parties, I thought. “Not like in my day &[…]


les hommes fous
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having recently obtained “le gendarme integrale” – a collection of the six louis de funes movies wherein he plays a fiercely proud yet totally hapless member of the french national guard – it occurred to me that there’s […]

Freaky Trigger and the Lollards of Pop – Series 3, Week 11
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It’s a two-fer today as we finally get last week’s recording sorted out. This week: Fear. Pure fear. Tim Hopkins, Pete Baran, Mark Sinker, Kat Stevens and Elisha Sessions play ostensibly scary music and absolutely no Toby Keith in what mu[…]

Freaky Trigger and the Lollards of Pop – Series 3, Week 10
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pop and politics
host: tim hopkins
guests: mark sinker, alix campbell, al ewing
knobs: carsmile steve hewitt
music: “soul power” by james brown, “fascist groove thang” by heaven 17, “the taliban song” by toby keith[…]

The Fruit Stand School
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Bond pulls the handbrake and dips his DB7 into a shimmying 180, suddenly accelerating again in a squeal of smoking rubber around the corner, where he’s just caught a glimpse of the villain’s tail-lights. But wouldn’t you know it &#8[…]


THE FT TOP 100 TRACKS OF ALL TIME No. 31: Prince – “I Would Die 4 U”
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Michael Jackson came in for some stick at the 1996 Brit Awards for dressing up like Jesus and surrounding himself with children, but he never pulled the groundbreakingly presumptuous move of speaking in the first person as Mr Christ himself. Somehow,[…]


Latest comments on FT

  1. But only when provoked! It plays its cards very close to its glistening vest unless being prodded with a hot…

  2. Actually now I think about it there's another big break with the 1982 version - how the Thing itself behaves.…

  3. I just think if you're going to make such a huge break with the previous movie, to whose structure you're…

  4. I dunno, I'm pretty on board with Berlatsky's interpretation of the all-male cast. It does more than just dispense with…