Archives – 2012  


Lost Property Office 8: Hawk-Ado
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This week in the Lost Property Office I have an actual real life guest, so no talking to myself luckily. And even more luckily the guest is the inestimable Mark Sinker, writer about music, film and crisps as he has billed himself elsewhere (the excel[…]


Lost Property Office 7: Apple Armbands
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There is a rule wherein every newspaper columnist is allowed one “Get Out Of Jail Free” card, where they can write a column about the process of writing a column. It is fantastically self serving, self indulgent, and an easy well to go to[…]


Beer-encrusted carpet, why hast thou forsaken me?
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I shall quietly grumble about this no more. The time has come for a wobbly to be thrown ungracefully across the laminated floor tiles of the internet about a terrible injustice being done to our nation’s fauna and flora.
As the hedgerows are de[…]


Lost Property Office 6: Jacobean Photocopiers
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This weeks Lost Property Office takes on a decidedly theatrical flavour as I invite Kerry Lambeth to do battle with the assorted umbrellas and notebooks. And in the course of our discussion we consider a Brighton Beach Memoir (Sussex not Long Island)[…]

Expansion pack ‘The Floor’ released May 2012
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(Apropos much social media rumbling on Erotic Choose Your Own Adventures and the appearance of whatever Heineken think this is)
1. You enter the club and head to the floor, roll a 3 or higher to light a fire and make it hot (proceed to 3 or if roll t[…]


Lost Property Office 5: Five Do Nothing
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The most significant thing lost in this weeks Lost Property Office could well be my voice! Luckily I have an excellent guest in the form of Rock Star, Playwright, Validator and Edinburgh Smash MJ Hibbett, who does allow this episode to drift slowly i[…]


Lost Property Office 4: Tilda Swinton, Queen Of Atlantis
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And we are back in the Lost Property Office, this week with the fearless Kat Stevens who is the first of our guests to shun the sometimes predictable CD route to music, and instead pick a USB stick. And what a USB stick it is too, look at the photo f[…]


Lost Property Office 3: Karen Dixon 3-Day Eventer
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Week three of the new FreakyTrigger podcast (in association with SOAS Radio), the Lost Property Office. This week my guest is Pamela Hutchinson of Silent London London’s premiere Silent Film website. Pam dived into the pile of lost property and[…]


Waltz-bin Matilda
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Here at FT Towers we enjoy a tipple or two – inevitably this often turns into One Too Many and fate finds your hapless correspondents firmly planted within the bin.
Ah, the bin of ruin! Some of us have visited the bin so many times we could get[…]


Lost Property Office 2: The First Days Of Disco
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Welcome to week two of the new FreakyTrigger podcast (in association with SOAS Radio), the Lost Property Office. This week my guest is Sarah Clarke who did not get her hands too dirty in her rummage through the office, alighting on three items and a […]


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  1. the punk community kindly disownes you, have your stuff packed, being hateful is not punk, honestly this is the most…