Archives – 2008 – July  


I Know Who Killed My Career
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Its not that I like bad films. There are exuberant bad films, films which entertain on a visceral level. There are films which amuse because they are so bad, and there are films which you cannot really imagine why they were made in the first place. W[…]

Let’s have some music!
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Waylaid by some toddler-borne bacillus I’m not up to writing anything critical today so in lieu of content let’s have SOUNDS:

What have we here then? (more…)[…]


Chestnut Cupcakes, a recipe
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(I made these chestnut cupcakes a while ago and forgot to post! Naughty me. But never too late for fairy cakes, eh? Based on a recipe I found here. Followed that with some tweaks – my version is below, nicely metricised as well)


Real Science On Food Packet Shock
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I like the odd prune. And so I got myself a bag of Sainsbury’s Organic Prunes the other day to snack upon (the strange sub Graham Norton packaging not withstanding SO Sainsbury’s Organic). Anyway whilst munching my way through my eyes al[…]

Comics: A Beginner’s Guide: Horror
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It was, more than anything else, EC’s powerful horror comics that led to uproar and US Senate hearings in the ’50s – and for years afterwards, comics were aimed more squarely at children than any time before or since.
They don&#8[…]

All My Friends Were There
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The signature of Russell T Davies’ tenure as Dr Who ‘showrunner’ has been a sustained examination of the dynamics and the dramatic possibilities of the Doctor/Companion relationship – from the obvious (what if they DO IT), to […]


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The problem with any film of this second Narnian book is that — while it has strong scenes and beasts galore — the logic behind its structure is, more than anything else, Aslan Arses About (for c.1300 years). He’s not a tame lion, y[…]

Is The Anti-Life Equation A Proper Equation?
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According to Wikipedia, this is the formula for the evil god Darkseid’s Anti-Life Equation, currently menacing DC comics:

“loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding x guilt x sha[…]

Europop 2008: The Muxtape
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Enjoy the top sounds of Europop 2008 – without spanking our bandwidth! FIPA’s technical committee has completed its report, and so the Poptimism Muxtape returns with the cream of the Europop tournament – two tracks from winners Swi[…]

Comics: A Beginner’s Guide: Children’s Comics
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The last item (bar a bonus insert) in this series was on European comics. Two of the all-time great children’s creators could have been covered there. It’s worth noting that comics have been a medium aimed overwhelmingly at children, espe[…]


Latest comments on FT

  1. "Dave Sim sticks the landing." That is my feeling too. As frustrating and borderline unreadable as the last 50 issues…

  2. One thing I think you missed and one thing I have to shamefacedly admit: 1) The Krazy Kat homage, brief…

  3. " ... it’s also an ominous indication of where he’s going as a creator. He’s laying out dialogue so as…

  4. LOL - I'm reading through these, and the "Jaka's Story" one drew my first reaction, and in it I said…

  5. I think the notion that conservatives can't make art is nonsense. J.R.R.Tolkien and G.K. Chesterton are two of my favorite…