Archives – 2008 – March  

PLAN (199)9
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Freaky Trigger is nine years old today – while sifting through the archives to update our featured content section (and work out what is missing), I came across this, my unmanifesto written the day before we launched back in 1999. Have a look,[…]


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Lollards is winding down — last show tonight! — but dry yr eyes and defuzz yr lesser thoracic palps bcz we have EXCITING NEWS for our LOYAL LISTENERS, viz 1 x new eight-week series on Resonance FM 104.4 starting next Tuesday, 1 April 10-1[…]

Wagamama goes breakfast
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::: NOTE NOTE NOTE::: apologies for being a breakfasttease but apparently this menu is only on until March 30 2008 so if you want your full English breakfast soba noodles, get in there quickly!! ::: END NOTE END NOTE END NOTE:::
We note that Wagamama[…]

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12. Liquid – Sweet Harmony
I mentioned in the introduction that my sister made me this tape whilst she was at university, and I had very little idea as to what ‘student life’ entailed other than making me mixtapes and never having a[…]


Ada – Arriba Amoeba
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“Ch-chhh! Ch-chhh! Ch-chhh-ch-ch-ch-chhh!”[…]

Europop 2008: Group B – Germany 0 Poland 0
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We’ve barely got our breath back from the Croatia/Austria kick-off and here are their Group B rivals, Germany and Poland. Here are the tracks for you, and under the cut are managerial comment, analysis, match reports and previews.

Pre-Lollards: The great pub winnovation poll!
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On the Lollards show three weeks ago, we promised a poll to let you decide WHICH of the fantastic winnovations we ideated in the PUB FOCUS GROUP would most improve your pub experience. Here, at last, is that poll – please pick your favourite th[…]


A dinner with the Pentecostals
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I don’t know how many of you have ever attended a Pentecostal church service, or hung around Christians of that persuasion for any meaningful length of time. The last time I spoke with someone I knew was Pentecostal was back in Tennessee; appar[…]

Europop 2008: Group B – Austria 1 Croatia 1
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After the short Easter break, Group B kicks off as Austria look to emulate their co-hosts Switzerland and notch up an early victory. In their way stand Croatia. Listen to the MP3s below then click on the “more” for managerial comment, ana[…]


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from our friend ms llaura llllew, comes this astonishing piece of high quality pig-based cookery!

what’s next? steak plates? lamb chop pans? or just HOVER BACON?[…]


Latest comments on FT

  1. Thank for the blog it is well written and i love it the way you have presented it in online…

  2. Tom, I loved loved loved these polls and participated obsessively, until one day (it was March 2023) I just stopped…

  3. I feel sad that I couldn't persistently engage in every poll as much as I'd have liked - and not…

  4. Thanks for doing the polls, Tom, and for writing this lovely, considered, reflective piece. It’s given me closure on my…