Freaky Trigger is nine years old today – while sifting through the archives to update our featured content section (and work out what is missing), I came across this, my unmanifesto written the day before we launched back in 1999. Have a look, find out if we’ve stuck to our guns, and then forward into the FUTURE (see below)!
Very good article,I benefited a lot from it.
Arnold Dreyblatt, eh? The Adding Machine ROCKS and Orchestra of Excited Strings is the best backing group name EVER!
I don’t think I’ve heard the Adding Machine! I had recently bought that CD he did on Table Of The Elements with no track titles and a lovely bronzey sleeve: not a regular listen by any means but still an excellent record.
Er, do you want that mumpop essay soonish then? It’s 75% written…
Yes love it! Obviously we’re not doing a special series or anything now so whenever you finish it, we will give it pride of place as we don’t do enough long pieces these days.