Archives – 2006  

TORCHWATCH: Photographing Fairies
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(Running a week behind, though not slipped as far as Robin Hood the Emo Years Watch) The trailer to this episode promised if not to fill in the seemingly important mysteries about what Captain Jack has been up to and fill-out some of his past exploit[…]


The Royal Wii
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Yes, it’s the Nintendo Piss-station! I will be wanting a wee soon, you’ll be wee-ing all day etc. Now I’m slightly more scatalogically inclined than many, but I think I only took about one (1) day to hear through the sound of the na[…]

Non-Thriller For Kids: The Tripods, Series One
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When The Tripods was first shown I was eleven – just about the right age to be excited and disappointed by it. I can remember a playground buzz around the show, stoked by Blue Peter clips – and I can remember (though more dimly) general a[…]

key moments in the history of management theory
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lincoln’s gettysburg powerpoint[…]


RobEmoWatch 5: i suppose a quick tuck’s out of the question then?
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Apologies for lack of service — I have somewhat sadly concluded that RH has NOT really er “found its rhythm” this series, even tho I think its badnesses remain ODD rather OBVIOUS, and that this project doesn’t lack for ideas […]

No Ticket To Wine, No Credibility
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Scattered thoughts on Love by Beatles Band*.
– OK, a lot of this is, or once was, really brilliant pop music. But why does this artefact exist? (more…)[…]


THRILLERS FOR KIDS! — #4 le cheval sans tête
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51 years old, and more widely known in the UK as A Hundred Million Francs, this rereads as potently as ever, despite the by-now somewhat clunky translation (the always tricky problem of slang). Gaby’s is I think the BEST KID GANG EVER — t[…]


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So, ever since I simultaneously discovered the existence AND non-availability through play-asia of the cuddly Nintendog PUG (it is a pug Duggan!!), I have wept and gnashed teeth that there hasn’t been a cuddly Nintendog successor. But now HOORA[…]

The Twin Dilemma
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Mark’s post on twins poses an interesting question – where did kid-lit twins vanish to? – and then lets it tantalisingly hang. So here’s two half-baked explanations!
i. A shift in the idea of kid-ness. When the heroes of child[…]

Five Better Reasons To Take U2’s Stylist To Court
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Interupting our trip through the so-called good book to marvel at this news story. U2 win battle against ex-stylist , in which U2 have won a court case against an ex-stylist because she nicked a cowboy hat off of him. Eminently responsible thing to d[…]


Latest comments on FT

  1. Thanks for the deep dive into all of this lunacy. I started reading Cerebus in high school, when it was…