Archives – 2006  


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Our Jenny had a bit of a shock this week. A bump on the head means she has a near-death experience of her very own! Granny urges JLH to join her in ‘the light’ but at the last minute Miss Perkypants looks down and sees paramedic hubby sob[…]


Not A Very Good Host
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There is a standard press release story which has accompanied most of the press for The Host, Korean monster movie which has been out for a couple of weeks. The director Bong Joon-ho (of the previously also well received Memories Of Murder) just phot[…]


torchwatch #6 i think: “can you get a bus?”
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ok i have missed some so my position may well crumble fact-wise but i STILL DEFEND the “adult” jag of this series as being a. very unusual, and b. very much worth trying
sex is no longer remotely rare on TV *but* treatment of sexual mores[…]


Sci-Fi For Kids: Judging A Book By Its Cover
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As we are dipping our toes into this water, and reminiscing on the mobile library days AND Mark’s prescient Heinlein cover mutters on twin-lit, let me share. I read a lot of sci-fi as a kid. And the pre-history of my interest would factor in sp[…]


The FreakyTrigger Top 25 Brands: 23: PANINI
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One of the great – though cynical – goals of marketing is to encourage consumers to waste stuff. Not in the enviro-friendly sense of extra packaging – the brands put that shit on their products when it was fashionable and they&#8217[…]


FT Top 100 Songs: 65: TEARS FOR FEARS – Pale Shelter
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* Just Because.
OK. This list was derived almost two years ago now, and in our slow, thoughtful trawl through it, throws up odd anomalies such as this. Why Tears For Fears in 2004? Do we dare blame Donnie Darko?
Of course we bloody blame Donnie D[…]


I WAS A GOBLIN: Pierre Menard, Dungeon Master
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After playing Dungeons and Dragons and other games for a couple of years, I found myself firmly on the ‘storytelling’ side, not the ‘point-scoring’ side, of the gaming divide. I also had precious few people to play with and &#[…]


SCI-FI FOR KIDS: it begins (ft.GUESS MY THEORY slight return)
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dateline angel: just spent half an hour wandering round wonderin WHAT STARTED ME on SF at all? some possibilities…
i. dr duck and the duckleks (sole ref on web = mex10000000) — i remember only the climax of one ep (bcz i wz bein babysat a[…]

BBC Reports BBC Getting Tube Station
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Two new Tube Stations? Well one new station and one new name. Shepherd’s Bush, on the Hammersmith and City line is to be renamed Shepherd’s Bush Market, one assumes for the sensible reason that the Piccadilly line Shepherd’s Bush st[…]


Christian Bale: IN FISHNETS!
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What has this charming young lady got to do with the terrific film The Prestige. Couldn’t I have found a picture of Scarlett Johanssen to illustrate some point about the movie instead, rather than this fishnet, top-hat combo? Or maybe the ladie[…]


Latest comments on FT

  1. Thanks for the deep dive into all of this lunacy. I started reading Cerebus in high school, when it was…

  2. The self-contained Five Bar Gate issue and the issue where Cerebus and the Stooges stumble their way through 100% darkness…

  3. My wife was diagnosed of Parkinson’s Disease at age 61. She had severe calf pain, muscle pain, tremors, slurred speech,…

  4. Should "anyone else Sim likes are" be "anyone else Sim dislikes are"? The examples given, particularly feminists, seem more like…