Archives – 2005 – November  

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I love old cookbooks, looking at how culinary fashions have changed but also picking up useful tips that have been forgotten. Such as the best way to judge when a pig is done ‘is when its eyes pop out’ (the Art of Cookery, by Hannah Glass[…]

not funny really :(
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but i heard someone read this story out aloud from metro (update=the woman won her case) and they pronounced it “SEMOLINA POISONING”[…]


What A Difference A Lyric Makes
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ABBA’s “The Day Before You Came” has a superb lyric. If you don’t know it, it’s a haunting song* detailing a totally ordinary day in the life of a single woman – getting up, going to work, eating lunch, coming home[…]

Numb3rs Watch: Week 4
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Already it is getting personal. Maths brother feels a bit bad because a student at his University that he blew off a few weeks before commits suicide. Being emotionally unstable, and given that Judd Hirsch seems a bit low on fatherly pats this week, […]

What you notice when you drink Pimm’s Winter Cup…
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What you notice when you drink Pimm’s Winter Cup (ie what in my youth we called the No.3 Cup: the Brandy Cup) is how much it tastes like Pimm’s. You know Pimm’s No.1 (the Gin based cup). There is a slightly more warming edge to it, […]

Not Petty Enough
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Sorry, I have a feeling that this might not genuinely come into the area of minor irritations. I was going to avoid this blog this month as I (like to believe I) have a kind of Zen-like calm when it comes to the little things in life, and ignore rath[…]

Is all Science Teaching in the US this crap?
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bbc news natch
Teachers have been ordered to tell pupils that Darwin’s theory of evolution is unproven, and that the universe is so complex that it may have been created by a higher power. … certain evolutionary explanations “are n[…]

Day 53: The Great Barrier REEF
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Turns out I was a dab hand at the surfing business. It was not that hard when you think about it, it is just standing up after all whilst the world around you tips and yaws wildly. Not unlike navigating my way home after a night out on the Bombay Sap[…]

Crap inventions corner
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What is left to invent? I am sure there are plenty of potential inventors out there sitting around, moping, thinking that there is nothing left for them to devise. Anyone who feels they could have come up with, say, the radio must be a bit annoyed th[…]


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