Archives – 2005 – November  

Theft (or as we call it friends borrowing and not returning)
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The average number of CD’s owned in the UK is 126. The average number of those CD’s which have had to be replaced due to theft, loss or accidental melting because they fell down the back of the radiator is 36.
What a wasteful society we l[…]


“did i remember to tell you that science is WEIRDER and MORE EXCITING than is dremt of in yr PLAYSTATION? well DID I? bcz IT IS!!”
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apparently the above — first ep broadcast on c4 on saturday — is based on a SCIENCE MUSEUM EXHIB’n which fellow citizens of the Freaky Trigan Empire enjoyed well i watched it dad — though he wisely slept through the entir[…]


NUMB3RS-W4TCH: supplemental
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“Hitchens then turned the subject back to Chalabi, his good friend. I asked him if he thought Chalabi had been passing American intelligence to the Iranians. “No,” he insisted. “It’s possible that with his training, you[…]

Afternoon radio research – Pt 1
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Today I was listening to Radio 1 on the web — research purposes only, of course — and a caller managed to break through the hurried sheen of the Colin and Edith program with a heartfelt message to her boyfriend, who not only made her feel[…]

Invasion: Earth : Rubbish
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The nineties was a pretty quiet era for British TV Sci-fi. Still convinced that genetically they could only do crap special effects, and wary of cost, the output that did limp out was remarkably parochial. And often remarkably poor. Invasion: Earth ([…]

Tiger Power
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Continuing our brand xtension theme, I offer you TONY’S TIGER POWER, a brand extension of Frosties, at least by name and cartoon mascot. Tiger Power promises 1) low sugar 2) no added salt 3) wholegrain energy and if you were presented with a bo[…]

When Moomins were Trolls
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Tove Jansson wrote the first Moomin adventure in 1945. Titled The Little Trolls and the Great Flood, it was a prototype for the Moominvalley books and has remained untranslated offline ever since. To celebrate the 60th anniversary, a Finish publisher[…]

Day 54: Papua New Guinea
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I managed to distance myself from the horrific Reef by getting a room on the very top floor of the hotel. I still did not like to rely on something with the same name as a useless South Western band for my continued existence but I desperately needed[…]


Bacardi Brand Extensions!!!
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More brand extensions (airport duty free is a great place to spot them after all). Bacardi Coco seems to me to be a bit of a no brainer. At least it is when you finally realise that the Coco in question in as in Coconut as opposed to Coco Pops. After[…]

i am ignorant
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“A quarter of adults who have bought alcohol for youngsters claimed they did not know it was illegal, research showed today”, it sez.
how could you not know that?
whoops i didn’t
Sadly, I suspect Gale’s brewery will be qu[…]


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  1. Johnny Alpha, the iconic Strontium Dog, epitomizes rebellion and justice in the dystopian world of 2000 AD. His mutated abilities…