Archives – 2005 – November  

True Meaning Of Chri$tma$
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Many a CARPER likes to have a good old WHINE about the commercialisation of Wobs and how it starts earlier every year etc etc. Yeah yeah stop your YAPPING, we went down to Brighton on Saturday and decided on a bit of early Xmas shopping but we could […]

Trust me on This
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You can tell that republicans are in the white house and borgies are making mad bank, because people are spending batshit money at auctions, esp. the american impressionist, modern and post war–but not the crazy conceptual stuff.[…]

Baileys Brand Extensions!!!!
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We here at Freakytrigger have always kept a close eye at brand extensions. And the brand we most like to see extended poorly is Baileys. The sickly Irish Cream which is nominally likened to vanilla ice cream is a drink which has tried and failed a fe[…]

From the Corkindrill’s Mouth!
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Re. Monday’s post.
“The Wart did not know what Merlyn was talking about, but he liked him to talk. He did not like the grown-ups who talked down to him, but the ones who went on talking in their usual way, leaving him to leap along in the[…]

It Wouldn’t Happen To A Seabrooks
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Num Num. Rich vein of quirkies today on the ‘Nova, even if food science strongly suggests that the item may have got into the crisps by means other than chance.[…]

Good Booked
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Football hardman finds God, loses edge – game toned down on orders of the big Gaffer in the sky. Great story though I’m not sure of the theology – God may disapprove of fouls, but His position on handballs suggests that this is hard[…]

Whats the Matter with Normal
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I have been of late reading monographs from famous transgressive photographers—Essays on Mapplethorpe, Nan Goldin’s I Will Be Your Mirror, Arbus’ Revelations, Wolfgang Tilman and a few others, and the work that chills/excites/moves/ me are not […]

Stephen’s Walking Etiquette
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Like many bipedal mammals, I walk. It is an activity that I enjoy and at which, over the years, I have come to display a certain amount of skill—I can now, for example, walk up stairs or steep inclines, where before this required great effort. Even[…]

n candles, for some value of n
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Every day on the bus to and from work I pass BBC TV centre. For some time now there has been a large picture of Ronnie Barker in the window of their main reception, surrounded by candles. OK, a nice tribute, but I’ve always thought the candles […]

Staff Lounge Conversation
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Temp 1 (english): I’ve just got back from a month in mexico
Temp 2 (kiwi): [mildly unimpressed] oh really
Temp 1: [clearly hoping this would ring bells] yeah, there was surf in Cancun after the hurricane [which clearly I am being v blasé about[…]


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  2. Really enjoyed the series of blogs so far , seems informed balanced yet not afraid to point out where things…

  3. It was clearly a Steve Austin clone---with a few facial close-ups heavily reminiscent of Lee Majors---but it's pulp-dramatic overkill was…