Archives – 2020 – February  

Unheard / Unread: January 2020
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Starting in 2017, I’ve had the aim of listening to a new (to me) album every day. This has been – for the most part – one of my best ever ideas. That said, in 2018 and 2019 I didn’t actually manage to finish – in fact I […]


King William’s College Kwizz 2019. FT Round 18
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During 2019: 1 who needed just 7.69 seconds at WD18? 2 which myopic nightwatchman fell just eight short? 3 which Servant, having acted the part, was elected in reality? 4 where did a spiral slide add fun to the Holy and Undivided Trinity? 5 whos[…]


King William’s College Kwizz 2019. FT Round 17
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 1 where did Colonel Ross and the Inspector await the travellers? 2 where did the duo alight when following up Cubitt’s conundrum? 3 which little “halt-on-demand station” was used by the would-be anglers? 4 from where in the Peak District […]


King William’s College Kwizz 2019. FT Round 16
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 1 what included the Bill as part of the Rape? 2 what is long in Britain but short across the pond? 3 whence the destination of Commons members on resignation? 4 what was the location of an old world strigine residence of great charm? 5 in what […]


The Freaky Trigger Movie Poll 2019: #10 – #1
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Oscars Schmoscars, this is the list about five people have been waiting for. And while there is a lot here in common with the Best Picture lists from this year (and last), the conclusion is somewhat different – albeit partially due to UK releas[…]


King William’s College Kwizz 2019. FT Round 15
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Which dual enterprise:1 could work wonders?2 took over from West and Wyatt?3 gives one a shot at Double Dutch?4 exploited the unique qualities of Siberian Weasels’ hair?5 created 33 complications in a limited edition of just four devices? (more&hel[…]


King William’s College Kwizz 2019. FT Round 14
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Round and round and round: 1 what slope is now chronometric? 2 where is a duck bill followed by a dive? 3 where might there be help from the north-westerly? 4 what recalls the twin child nurtured by a lupine wet nurse? 5 what would be recog[…]


King William’s College Kwizz 2019. FT Round 13
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 1 whence the ‘two-spotted’ duck? 2 where were the forgeries sunk after Bernhard? 3 where did Alexander defeat the crusaders on ice? 4 whence the winter’s spray, washing through the bars in high winds? 5 over what stretch of water […]


The Freaky Trigger Movie Poll 2019: #20 – #11
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Here we go into the top twenty. At this point, those of you who have a big picture view of this kind of thing can probably do the maths and work out that there are more than ten obvious films left – so some things didn’t make the cut.
From th[…]

Latest comments on FT

  1. Thank for the blog it is well written and i love it the way you have presented it in online…

  2. Tom, I loved loved loved these polls and participated obsessively, until one day (it was March 2023) I just stopped…

  3. I feel sad that I couldn't persistently engage in every poll as much as I'd have liked - and not…

  4. Thanks for doing the polls, Tom, and for writing this lovely, considered, reflective piece. It’s given me closure on my…