Freaky Trigger is a website dedicated to smart, informal writing about pop culture – music, film, TV, food and drink, books, art, science and anything else we fancy writing about. We’re not particularly cutting edge, but we’re generous, affable and curious.
We started Freaky Trigger in 1999 – it was purely a music site for the first few years, gradually expanding its remit. Until 2005 it included the much-loved music blog NYLPM, whose contents form part of the site’s extensive archives.
Freaky Trigger is a team effort – most of us are based in London, and most of us socialise together on a fairly regular basis. More than 100 people have written for FT in the ten years we’ve been running, and the site has around 20 contributors. Tom Ewing is the site’s founder and publisher, Pete Baran and Mark Sinker are editors, Alan Trewartha does the back-end stuff (and wrote the Widget Logic plug-in which the site uses), and Steve Mannion (aka Ghost Food) designed it. The site is hosted on a Positive Internet server. We use and endorse WordPress.
FT rolls happily along on a diet of whatever its contributors want to talk about, but we do generally have a few bigger projects on the go. The most prominent is Tom Ewing’s Popular blog, which reviews every UK #1 single from the beginning. We’re also currently counting down our Top 100 Tracks Of All Time and talking about every MR James ghost story.
We also produce shows for radio: we’ve done three series of an eclectic show for Resonance FM called Freaky Trigger And The Lollards Of Pop, whose content reflects the magpie approach of the website. Mark Sinker and Eli Sessions have also produced two series of A Bite Of Stars, A Slug Of Time, And Thou – a highly acclaimed show celebrating the history of the science fiction short story.
We ran a club night known as Club FT and then Poptimism throughout the 00s, in Oxford and then London. This included the occasional ‘Club Popular’ night at which only UK number 1 singles were played. Poptimism spin-offs also included Kat and Pete’s Hand Pump The Volume and Club Action nights.
Most years we perform a series of culinary experiments in London under the banner of Food Science Day, in memory of friend and contributor Liz Daplyn.
If you just want to start a conversation with us, skip this section and go to the next one. If you’re promoting something, please read it. Thanks!
Advertising and PR: We have no advertising on Freaky Trigger (apart from unavoidable ones via using google for search) so please don’t bother asking us to run any. We also don’t source content from PR agencies or pluggers so don’t offer us any virals or “exclusive” content – but by all means let us know about awesome things you’re doing.
Reviews: Most of our reviews are of films, food and drink products, books, etc. rather than music, and we’re not an MP3 blog. So don’t worry about sending us free CDs and music, but if you have other freebies you want to offer us, get in touch. Alcohol and pork products especially welcome.
Contributors: We’re not currently actively looking for new contributors so if you’re desperate to write for Freaky Trigger your best bet is to move to London and come to the pub with us a lot! This doesn’t apply if you’ve written for us in the past, or if we’ve invited you to write for us (drunkenly or otherwise!).
All Freaky Trigger content is copyright the contributors. Link to it, quote it, don’t nick it please.
We’d love to hear from you about the site or any content on it. We have thriving comments boxes and welcome new voices there, or we’re at if you want to email us. If you want to get in touch with an individual writer, use the site address and we’ll pass your details on.
We’re on Twitter (@freakytrigger).
We’re always happy to hear about freelance writing, radio or DJing opportunities. And we’re always happy to entertain visitors to London who like the website in any of a vast array of Trigger-approved drinking spots.
Thanks for visiting!
Thanks for putting the about page up Alan!
Wasn’t sure where to drop it in. Not sure this is the best solution – but if it’s aimed at new visitors they’re more likely to notice it than the regular crew who might see past it
I think this is a good solution and positioning – can we get it so it displays on all posts, as I think the reason for it is to inform googlers who have arrived at a post they think is good but have no idea of the context.
might be better if it actually reads “About FT”, as it currently reads more like “About | Music”
I googled Mr. Ewing after reading today’s Rio review to nitpick the article and came across this site, more specifically the Why We Hate Indie Kids posting. Freaky Trigger has left me speechless. I have a new favorite site. I never liked Rio that much and had little impact on me. Though friends gave it to their girlfriends Rio came out roughly the same time as Roxy Music’s Avalon and I couldn’t get the Roxy album off of my turntable. I was just diagnosed with swine flu and Freaky Trigger made my day.
I just found this site by accidentl while looking to see where my own site appears in google search. I must say that I think that it is rather good (your site not mine) I found it by doing a search for ‘how to write a song’, which is the name of my site ( it came up with the springsteen article. I particularly like the idea of someone hating music, because; having been a musician for the past million years I must agree with the lady who’s views reflect this standpoint. the only reason that I continue to create music is the fact that I cant seeem to kick the habit. I am hoping that one day I will be cured; as the bacon… (silly joke wont bother)all the best – Vince
resonance repeated one of your programmes yesterday, tuesday 12th Oct.
What was the 2001 Space Odyssey lounge remix? Insane!
Anyone know where the description “Pop music fanzine featuring reviews, commentary and opinionated nonsense” originates – it’s all over various web indexes, inc google, as a summary of FT
Is anyone else having trouble with getting Freakytrigger through Google Reader? The feed there doesn’t seem to have updated in over a month, though the RSS on the site itself is up to date.
YES :-(
i’ve tried a lot of fixes, but it looks like maybe our hosts are actually blocking update requests from google
feedburner alternatives
wish I knew why google reader can’t see the rss feeds updating, but if you indirect via google’s own feedburner it works :-(
Just wondering why my avatar has disappeared. If I post without logging in it’s there, but when I’m logged in it’s gone, and there doesn’t seem to be an option in the ‘Edit My Profile’ menu.
gravatars are keyed to your e-mail address, so you probs just need to update the e-mail in your profile to match the one you use when not logged in.
I believe that it is not so,
a haha ha nice try.
Currently undeleted because I love big blocky Cyrillic rather too much.
It only says “download the books of Malakhov”…. who or what Malakhov might be I have no idea…
Need a post on your website Hi, I hope you are doing well.
I need a post on your website
How much do you charge for the do-follow link?
Looking forward to your reply
Thanks & Regards, Nancie
Good Afternoon
How are you?
I am Emily Manson, a content writer and editor at GreenPassion. I’ve really liked the content that has been shared on your website and I may have to source you on some of the articles that I’m contributing on other websites.
I’m going to be straight forward, We are looking to get a guest post published on your website with a topic that would fit your audience and ours, so i wanted to reach out and ask if you accept guest posts or content contributions? We are a startup and have a limited budget but i wouldn’t mind paying an editorial fee as long as it is affordable for us.
I can send you the topics I have in mind if you’re still open to new guest authors.
I appreciate the time, and really looking forward to working together.
Have an awesome day!
Hi, what does the cross symbol beside my name on my posts here actually mean? I thought I was dead when I saw it.
Ronnie McCorrisken ( still alive)
If you hover over it, it says “not registered” – I assume this is just marking that you’ve filled ‘Mccorrisken Ronnie’ into the name field rather than create an account and log in as them – it’s easy to imagine why caution might be wise.
Wow how original, yet another liberal social media site!!!
Hello There
My Name is Jacob Ethan.
We Find Your Website From Google. We want to buy an article on your Web site. Need General Guest Post On Your Website. Tell Me Price Please.
if You Accept Casino Link Tell Us Yes Or Not. You Have More Website Please Send Us. We Write Article Related To Your Topic.
Waiting for Your Response
He alan, I have watched a tutorial where they installed one of your plugin i.e widget logic but Now it is not present in WordPress repository?