Archives – Art  


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the hideously maddening game from World of Lovecraft: (more…)[…]


because nothing says cosmic horror like a kitty in a flower
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omg – best book cover ever designed??

i mean, aside from the fact that dashiell hammett never wrote a story called “the red brain”. a little misleading, that! anyhow, tonight’s episode of slugs and stars features the 1927 tit[…]


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huntin for images of BRANES in pulp culture i came across THIS via boingboing: “In November 2006 Till Nowak created the image SALAD. For this image he created 12 digital vegetable models in 3ds max using photographic references. They were combined […]


Our Year oF Agatha Christie Covers: 7: Nemesis
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Why this particular cover. I think this is the first in this series where Aggie’s name is her signature. This is has been quite standard in the last twenty years as part of her branding, giving the visuals a particular stamp. A signature editio[…]


alsatian lollardry
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there’s this, and then there’s wagner[…]


Our Year Of Agatha Christie Covers: 6: Partners In Crime
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Two this week as last weeks as missed out as I wasn’t here (well I wasn’t on FT much, I was at work). And since we went from terrible late doors Tommy and Tuppence, lets try an old edition of one of their first outings – a short sto[…]


Our Year Of Agatha Christie Covers: 5: Postern Of Fate
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So we move into month two, with whatever a hastily cobbled together google search can find me. And can we spell the word Austerity (ans. yes, after a quick spellcheck). There is something awesomely dull about this Christie cover for Postern Of Fate, […]


Our Year Of Agatha Christie Covers: 4: Dix Petits Nègres
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Sort of a cheat this, but if you’re going to cheat, that’s the title I want to cheat with. This is not just a cover of a French Agatha Christie novel whose title has been changed a few times in the English. It is the cover of a Bande Dess[…]


Our Year Of Agatha Christie Covers: 3: Towards Zero
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Now here is a jacket to bring back memories. Photo-art covers on Pan books. I know little, as usual, about Towards Zero, except it has a very sci-fi name for a Christie. What does this cover tell me about the book. Next to nothing, except there may b[…]

The Joy Of Tunnocks ♥
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The Tunnocks tea-room bakery display features cyclists, and best of all, tea-cake owls! Via Anne at I Like!
Nice to see them still pushing the Dark Chocolate flavours, although I think I’m still yet to see a dark chocolate teacake in this &#82[…]


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  1. Thank for the blog it is well written and i love it the way you have presented it in online…

  2. Tom, I loved loved loved these polls and participated obsessively, until one day (it was March 2023) I just stopped…

  3. I feel sad that I couldn't persistently engage in every poll as much as I'd have liked - and not…

  4. Thanks for doing the polls, Tom, and for writing this lovely, considered, reflective piece. It’s given me closure on my…