Archives – Series – Rob Emo Watch  


Rob Emo Watch (Return!)
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i wasn’t really watching closely enough to make this an actual real REW, but tonight’s ep of robin h. featured LOLLARDRY! (or at least wycliffism)
UPDATE: didn’t think properly about this last night — robin is set in the reig[…]


RobEmoWatch #6: the oulipo of stupid
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i) haha just to get this out of the way the MINE from the Robin of Scargill ep is connected to a TUNNEL from the CASTLE to the FOREST
ii) useless of jizbum’s “character” is STILL on the morph — now (as well as remaining a hapl[…]


RobEmoWatch 5: i suppose a quick tuck’s out of the question then?
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Apologies for lack of service — I have somewhat sadly concluded that RH has NOT really er “found its rhythm” this series, even tho I think its badnesses remain ODD rather OBVIOUS, and that this project doesn’t lack for ideas […]


RobEmoWatch 4: Tiniest No Longer!
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i. Notts Forest is in SHROPSHIRE! (proof = they visited clun and knighton)
ii. The Awesome Power of RobEmoWatch! (proof = first words spoken to Maid Pieface = “Nice Pie! Give us a KISS!”)
iii. a merrymen calle[…]


RobEmoWatch 3: bodycountdown diddlydee dum
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after two intro eps that were vanilla to the core — no one died and the SoN’s threats of tongue-cutting were camp gesture — RH shifts upsettingly up a gear or two: this is fun mid-evening hokum in which CHILDREN AND INNOCENTS CAN DI[…]


RobEmoWatch 2: hot nights in the (anachroni)city
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robemo of the greenteenwood: grebt
maid chubsy pie-face: grebt
much the timelord’s grandson: grebt
john little’s little son little john little: grebt
merrymen’s not-so-merry wives: grebt
sherriff of nottingham’s prescient analysis of the emer[…]


RobEmoWatch 1: alalalalalala sheeeyah!
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“in a time of ruthless warriors, capricious princes, and the sherriff of lily allen, a land in turmoil cried out for 1xHERO. He was robin, a beardy princess halfpint forged in the heat of the crusades.” :D
i watched it at T’s (re)ho[…]

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  1. Thank for the blog it is well written and i love it the way you have presented it in online…

  2. Tom, I loved loved loved these polls and participated obsessively, until one day (it was March 2023) I just stopped…

  3. I feel sad that I couldn't persistently engage in every poll as much as I'd have liked - and not…

  4. Thanks for doing the polls, Tom, and for writing this lovely, considered, reflective piece. It’s given me closure on my…