Archives – Proven By Science  

the politics of naming: the decade right now passing
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various attempts bin made, nothing stuck yet: the noughties, the naughts, the 00ze…
oddball composer, pol-blogger and er “hayekian leftist”* stirling newberry suggests: the thousands, embedded in this (interesting, hyper-compressed,[…]


The Scandal Of Skinny Water
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So in the fearless tradition of FreakyTrigger food scientists the years over (Food Science Day III coming soon), it was not enough to just boggle at the existence of Skinny Water from poor billboard ads. No, i had to try some and report back.
So I t[…]


Jump, They Say
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Sorry, I don’t mean to turn this into the wacky world of inventions but these things keep nagging me from the edge of my consciousness. I’ll give you more on “The Scandal Of Skinny Water” later, but first let us look at the fo[…]


Diet Water!
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There is a very cheap looking advert on a bus stop on the Seven Sisters Road which I mentioned last night in the pub for Skinny Water, a diet water drink. I was pooh-poohed as is the usual way when I said Diet Water, so I took the details. And here i[…]

Disgraced National Hero Has Chance To Become Hero Again (If It Weren’t For The Disgrace)
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Remember Woo Suk Hwang? Of course you do. He was the South Korean scientist who got the first stem cells from a cloned embryo. This is a big deal, what with cloning being a bit of a hot topic, and stem cell research even more of a hot topic in certai[…]

MTV takes on Michael Moore
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It’s nice to see MTV putting long-form reviews online. But when it’s as hapless and baffled as Kurt Loder’s review of “Sicko” one begins to wish they hadn’t.
Loder, you may remember, is the éminence grisé[…]

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We are very firmly of the opinion that Humans are the best animals at Freaky Trigger, and it is nice to see that yet again this is proved by looking at the energy efficiency of our walking style. As this hopefully trustworthy BBC report* has it, walk[…]

PerpMotionWatch: UPDATE
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it is with the usual tremendous irresponsible glee i am able to inform youse all that this story remains ongoing! yay ORBO best of all the boes[…]

Clean Yr Head While Asleep: THE BRILLO PILLOW
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No: Don’t be stupid. Using a giant scouring pad with super cheap soap imbedded inside as a pillow would both be
a) uncomfortable, and
b) a rubbish way to clear your head.
However, what if you problem is not night-time head cleaning, but a hot h[…]


KITAN on the KEYS: a bad pianist’s practice diary #1
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today was xi and x and nothing else [see here for haha key]:
the bach i just played through twice — it’s just like a computergame, how far can i get before i get zapped (by my own fumbly fingers partly, but also by failing to look ahead a[…]


Latest comments on FT

  1. I appreciate the author’s insights! I played the Sprunki game today, and it was awesome. Highly recommend it! No matter…