There is a very cheap looking advert on a bus stop on the Seven Sisters Road which I mentioned last night in the pub for Skinny Water, a diet water drink. I was pooh-poohed as is the usual way when I said Diet Water, so I took the details. And here it is: SKINNY WATER. Made by Bio-Synergy, a company name that SHOUTS PSEUDO-SCIENCE, Skinny Water is (and I quote):
“A low-calorie water, enhanced with a unique combination of ingredients to help (YOU) lose and maintain YOUR weight. Skinny Water contains selected essential nutrients, which combine the benefits of hydration with vitamins, minerals, and clinically tested natural ingredients that suppress appetite, block carbohydrates from converting into fat, and increase fat burning, without stimulating the nervous system.”
Hold on, I have questions about this seemingly miraculous drink. Does it really taste like water?
“It sure does, with a hint of pomegranate to give you a boost”
So that’s a no then. It doesn’t taste like water! With them flunking the taste like water bit I’ll let them slide on ths science. Only to note
a) Its called Skinny Water
b) The bus shelter ad on the Seven Sisters Road is the cheapest one I have seen in year.
c) It uses its availability in Superdrug as a badge of honour!
d) The picture on its own website is out of focus (see here) which obscures all the writing as if to say its not trustworthy.
Still. Diet Water eh!
Excellent sleuthing Pete! I will circulate this one to our innovation boys.
What ever will the boffins come up with next. Just imagine if the govt were to replace tap water with skinny water — no more obesity!
whenever i hear people ordering a “tall, skinny latte” i can’t help thinking that starbucks needs to introduce a new size of cup, called “sexy”
Maybe they have removed the one-molecule-in-a-grillion of heavy water.