Archives – Proven By Science  

Nine reasons your IT guy/gal hates you
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9 Things The Non-Tech Savvy Do That Annoy Geeks has generated a lot of comments on Digg. So I thought I’d try posting my own (and then self-Digging this post in a pathetic attempt to get some hits. [nb this shouldn’t work])
Don’t ge[…]

The Top 50 Women Who Really Understand Men
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 Irrational. Contradictory. Mad. The top 50 is an irrational list. But what do you expect – it was voted for by men!
We at Freaky Trigger towers were shocked when we saw the Observer Woman Magazine’s Top 50 Men Who Really Understand Wome[…]

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A spokesman for BBC Drama says: “Thanks to this facility, we’ll be able to produce establishing shots for Doctor Who and Torchwood episodes well into the next decade. And we don’t even have to think of a name!”
Hopefully, Diam[…]


why did they think this and what made them stop?
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“The taunt of having tails was a common accusation against the English in mediaeval times, and was even occasionally heard in the 17th century, in the epiphet, ‘The Tailed English’.” (footnote in British Folk Tales and Legends[…]

Food Science Day 2: 7 – Flying Fruit Followup
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2005’s hugely successful Flying Fruit Experiment answered a burning question but gave rise to another. The small and unassuming apricot was the winner but supply problems meant that this was the only bum-shaped fruit available in our sample. We beg[…]


FOOD SCIENCE DAY 2: cheese that’s good to fry part 2
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The experiment continued: finding which cheeses are good if you fry them. This time I used my tiny wee small frying pan bcz a. i had to carry it by bus to the HOUSE OF THE BOPKIDS and b. it is teh cuet.
Cheeses tested previously: i. red leicester; ii[…]


sweet sweetbread’s badassssss doll
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Have intended to research and post this since GIBBONS’ TOY STORE burnt down, now several years ago — in the window at the end of this very extremely weird only-in-a-bad-dream wedge-shaped shop, which in many ways resembled a half-open por[…]

The Long Egg Race
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Ah, our favourite topic, and FreakyTrigger had Long Egg’s a-go-go all through 2006. And then we got a comment about the EggBoiler. And if you go to the site, the impressive computer generated effects seem to have cracked our various opinions to[…]


Not Quite Giantkilling
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Barnet are still in the FA Cup. Indeed this season, which started in such an appalling fashion (hovering near the bottom) has suddenly perked up wonderfully for my team. Midtable ignominy seemed out of our grasp in October, but the middle of League T[…]


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  1. I appreciate the author’s insights! I played the Sprunki game today, and it was awesome. Highly recommend it! No matter…

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