A spokesman for BBC Drama says: “Thanks to this facility, we’ll be able to produce establishing shots for Doctor Who and Torchwood episodes well into the next decade. And we don’t even have to think of a name!”
Hopefully, Diamond Health & Safety will be posting the appropriate education regarding use of the synchrotron during thunderstorms.
dept of unnecessary adjectives:
“Diamond is housed in a vast, doughnut-shaped building”
mmm vast doughnut
OK, tell me more about mis-use of Sinkertron. What is this (An)other world we will be sent to?
you will be sent inside my vast-donut shaped BRANE
Another World = Nightmare vision of hi-tech alium planet with slave-based economy presented as platform game rendered in rotoscoped flat-shaded polygons, on an Amiga, by French people.
Other World = Rub 80s sci-fi telly.