Archives – 2005 – October  

In September And October 2005 Blog 7 was a blog about the strange
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In November it will be about minor irritations.
Such as Blogger not uploading your site, or eating your posts or – GAAAAHHHH!!!![…]

Before you go, A Little More Knights Templar Strangeness
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The mists that surround stories heard in childhood can lend them a mystic significance, and this is never more true than for those magical tales of socio-economics. Imagine the youngster, eyes open with wonder, hearing yarns of reckless, inflation-ha[…]


THE FT TOP 23 STRANGE PHENOMENA No 1. The Ghost In The Lord John Russell
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Last week, in the usual way of journals which are vaguely connected with Freaky Trigger, Time Out did a whole section on Haunted London. In itself this is as spooky as the Guardian Guide doing an article on a very similar topic to a Freaky Trigger on[…]

THE FT TOP 23 STRANGE PHENOMENA No 2. The Indian Rope Trick
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The Indian Rope Trick has become one of the most famous magical effects of all time, a doubly impressive feat since it was never actually performed. The recent book, The Rise Of The Indian Rope Trick, details the creation of the hoax by the journalis[…]

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Aim: Combining the aesthetic joys of Flying Fruit and the no-nonsense tuffness/springiness test of the Experiment We Did Not Do, we decided to find out what happens when you throw a pumpkin from a second floor balcony onto tarmac.
Apparatus: Some boo[…]


THE FT TOP 23 STRANGE PHENOMENA No. 3 The Bermuda Triangle
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She says, “Hawaii’s too expensive.”
I say, “Barbados isn’t bad.”
She says, “I’d love to see Bermuda”
And I said, “Woman, are you mad!”
Barry Manilow’s Bermuda Triangle got to […]


THE FT TOP 23 STRANGE PHENOMENA No. 4 Male Phantom Pregnancies
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I know nothing about Male Phantom Pregnancies (or Mpreg as I believe the interweb likes to call ’em). Therefore this will be a somewhat disjointed thinkpiece based on what I have discovered doing a bit of research. First I asked an wimmin. This[…]

If Persephone Can Have One, Why Can’t I?
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Or more foods I was not allowed to eat as a child…
Much shock and the attendant ridicule which comes with shock was showered upon me the day I revealed that as a child I was not allowed to eat whelks. The idea that my jaw was not sufficiently d[…]


THE FT TOP 23 STRANGE PHENOMENA No. 5 The Mystery of Easter Island
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i. mystery no.1 where did its denizens heard about EASTER eh?

ii. mystery no.2 why does nobody ever discuss HALLOWEEN ISLAND eh? EH??

iii. how suspicious is it that ONE SINGLE ISLAND has become the default object-of-projection for all knock-the-[…]

THE FT TOP 23 STRANGE PHENOMENA No. 6: The Little People
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The little people – wee folk, fairies, faeries, gnomes, piskies et al – aren’t so much an unexplained phenom as an explanatory one, the attributed cause of much lucklessness and minor setbacks. Petty interventions whether positive o[…]


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  2. My husband was diagnosed of Parkinson’s Disease a couple of years ago, he had severe fatigue, difficulty with mobility and…