Archives – Games  


FT Advent Catendar Of Free Online Games: 3rd December
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Open today’s window and click through to discover that the old addage that the internet is run by cat lovers is very very true. After yesterday cannoning a poor kitty through the sky (surely a CATapult would have been smarter) there is somethin[…]


FT Advent Calendar Of Free Online Games: 2nd December
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Since you are still probably playing Souvlaki Tetris, a mere diversement for today’s advent Calendar. This was sent in by our cheese correspondent Marna and its topic surprised me somewhat knowing her likes. Nevertheless, much like many flash g[…]


FT Advent Calendar: 1st December
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This year the Freaky Trigger Advent Calendar is of free online games, for you to waste you time with as you wait for Christmas. From classics to unsung specials, there will be a teaser on this page and a link through on the next.
So to start on the 1[…]

The Most Important Game Ever Made #21: The Sea Of Green
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Whatever happened to this series? Work happened, and continues to happen. This is the crunch time for about three seperate projects, with a fourth waiting in the wings. Expect forward progress on TMIGEM to be glacial, two a week or less – but i[…]

The Most Important Game Ever Made #20: Frere Jacques
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The final tour song… ever! And it was actually the final tour song for the Beatles in real life, according to the in-game factoids. (Well, almost. But it was definitely the last song they played that was written by them.)

This was the only eve[…]

The Most Important Game Ever Made #19: Oh, Ha Bloody Ha
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Time to get political with ‘Taxman’:

That’s Junior Parker’s ultra-slow, ultra-mellow version, a chuckling drawl (“Aw, now this is awful…”) that makes it clear that Junior is having a whale of a time lounging[…]

The Most Important Game Ever Made #18: F.A.B.
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Well, after a week of hard conventioneering, I’m back in the saddle to talk about ‘Drive My Car’.
Soothing stuff and fun to play, as I remember. I bashed this one out before I left, in the […]

The Most Important Game Ever Made #17: Whaddya Got?
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There are still those, even in the dying days of the Noughties, who deride Rock Band and its ilk as ‘fake’. Well, here’s NES-rock group ‘I Fight Dragons’ doing their chiptune-heavy cover version of ‘And Your Bird C[…]

The Most Important Game Ever Made #16: In Which The Beatles Find Out
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Welcome to Budokan.

The boys are obviously exhausted, the microphones don’t work properly, Ringo looks ready to top himself right there and the haircuts have gone from the sublime to the ridiculous. Offstage, all sorts of trouble is brewing &#[…]

The Most Important Game Ever Made #15: Twitch Crit
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Whoops! The next song on the list isn’t ‘She Loves You’ after all, it’s the far less interesting ‘I Feel Fine’.

Still, it’s a nice rocking groove, as the Ventures here prove.


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  1. Thank for the blog it is well written and i love it the way you have presented it in online…

  2. Tom, I loved loved loved these polls and participated obsessively, until one day (it was March 2023) I just stopped…

  3. I feel sad that I couldn't persistently engage in every poll as much as I'd have liked - and not…

  4. Thanks for doing the polls, Tom, and for writing this lovely, considered, reflective piece. It’s given me closure on my…