Archives – Series – Worst Films Of 2011  


13 Worst Films Of 2011: 1: About As Surprising As The Film Itself
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There is a game that is played between critics and films sometimes. Occasionally a film comes along which is kicked to death in the street like some sort of cathartic act of bullying. I can only imagine critics walking out of certain films with some […]


13 Worst Films Of 2011: 2: About That Radiohead Embargo
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Expectations are often the problem, rather than a bad film, when you go to the cinema a lot, like I do. And many a time I have drifted out of Screen 1 at the Renoir disappointed that a favourite boutique arthouse director had not lived up to his prev[…]


13 Worst Films Of 2011: 3: Horrible By Name
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There is a reason why comedies always seem to come out strongly in a list like this. When a comedy succeeds, it can be as sublime as cinema get (academy take note). When a comedy is average it often feels like a let down, the moments between the laug[…]


13 Worst Films Of 2011: 5 /4 : Ships & Monsters
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Yo ho ho and a bottle of dumb. My joint fourth worst films of last year are additions to franchises, which use boats, monsters and lack any real plot logic. Both films are adapted from books, one ridiculously loosely, the other relatively slavishly. […]


13 Worst Films Of 2011: 6: Occupy The Upper West Side
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Last year only one fiction film really engaged with the issues around Occupy Wall Street. Set in New York, the 99%, the disenfranchised took on a fictional banker to strike a blow for the little man, the trodden on, the people who did follow the rule[…]

13 Worst Films Of 2011: Joint 7 – Its Not Easy Being…
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Batman. Bloke who dresses up as a bat. Mainly black and grey, occasional yellow accents on the suit. Superman, big bold blue red and yellow. Spider-Man, blue and red. Even Wonder Woman sticks with the red, white, blue and a bit of gold. I’m not[…]


13 Worst Films Of 2011: 10 – Named After A Donovan Song
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Clare Foy is a terrific British actress who deserves great things as her career starts to stretch towards Hollywood – but you have to say she doesn’t look too happy here. Nicholas Cage is an Oscar winning actor. Ron Perlman is a great gen[…]


13 Worst Films Of 2011: How Do You Know What Number 11 Will Be?
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I like Owen Wilson, I really do. Its probably out of deference to liking his general charm that How Do You Know was pushed down to eleven, so I could be sure that whilst Owen Wilson has already turned up on this list twice, he doesn’t make the top […]

13 Worst Films Of 2011: Joint 12th – An Oscar Nominee
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So negativity is the new black, and as ever it is easier to cream the crap from the good, than list the best of the year. I saw 120 films in the cinema last year and 154 on DVD, of which it turns out about 131 were officially released last year. But […]

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  1. the punk community kindly disownes you, have your stuff packed, being hateful is not punk, honestly this is the most…