Archives – Series – The FT Top 25 Pubs Of The 00’s  


The FT Top 25 Pubs of the 00s No 1: Glasshouse Stores
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So we get a winner, down on Brewer Street in Soho, the Glasshouse Stores was voted the number one pub of the noughties by those of us who voted. A nice pub sure, but so much better than the others? To find out why it scored so highly I thought I woul[…]


The FT Top 25 Pubs of the 00s No 2: Lord John Russell
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The Lord John Russell is a blue pub. It is the only blue pub I know. Blue on the outside certainly, plenty of pubs do that. But very few continue this motif indoors. But then this is part of the joy of the LJR. It is so clearly a proper pub, with its[…]


The FT Top 25 Pubs of the 00s No 3: The Royal Oak
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photo by Ewan-M
The Royal Oak is wonderful because it is such a perfect example of an ordinary pub. It does nothing extraordinary or alarming. It is a Proper Pub, with small rooms and nicely mismatched furniture, and random plates and pictures on t[…]


The FT Top 25 Pubs of the 00s No 4: The Calthorpe Arms
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So, we reach the top 4, an area, one would assume, of almost complete agreement between those voting but, for some reason, our fourth choice has elicited strong opinions, hence two different views. Let’s take this to the comments box!!![…]


The FT Top 25 Pubs of the 00s No 5: The Pillars Of Hercules, Soho
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Small poky one room pub whose small pokiness is often accentuated by being in Soho, having a dripping ceiling, a galley bar in the thinnest part of the pub and – oh – a bloke out back playing 45’s with flying barbie dolls dangling f[…]


The FT Top 25 Pubs of the 00s No 6: The Shakespeares Head, Islington
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Very few pubs attract punters with the promise of shocks which will have you leaping out of your seat. And yet the second time I went to the Shakespeare’s Head, that was the reason I went there. I wanted to see Shakey newcomers surprised when, […]


The FT Top 25 Pubs of the 00s No 7: The Head Of Steam / Doric Arch, Euston
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This is the only pub on our list to have changed hands, its name and still retained a degree of quality. We came into the new millennium with this odd station pub being called the Head Of Steam, and left with the much grander name of the Doric Arch. […]


The FT Top 25 Pubs of the 00s No 8: The Ship & Shovell, Craven Passage WC2N
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This was a favourite after-work pub for years, being within easy walking distance of the office but seemingly off the radar of anyone else working there. Despite being in a busy tourist area, it maintains its hidden gem status by sitting, tucked away[…]

The FT Top 25 Pubs of the 00s No 9: The Champion, Wells Street WC1
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For a long, long time my Default London Pub was the Blue Posts on Newman Street. I’m a big fan of the Sam Smiths brand, and the BPNS had it all: cheap, cosy, usually full of people I knew and – most importantly – just around the cor[…]


The FT Top 25 Pubs of the 00s No 10: The Pakenham Arms, Mount Pleasant
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There are two words that according to modern usage I pronounce wrong. I will hold my hand up to “Colander” – which I pronounce “cullander” to rhyme with Wallander* as a throwback to believing it etymology being tied to t[…]


Latest comments on FT

  1. Tom, I loved loved loved these polls and participated obsessively, until one day (it was March 2023) I just stopped…

  2. I feel sad that I couldn't persistently engage in every poll as much as I'd have liked - and not…

  3. Thanks for doing the polls, Tom, and for writing this lovely, considered, reflective piece. It’s given me closure on my…

  4. Lovely. I drifted away 18 months or so ago (I liked being all in on it and life stuff just…