Archives – 2003 – October  

Invalid redux!
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Invalid redux! I think I have found the un-meat food for invalids, and no it’s not Mrs Beeton’s fright-movie cuisine. Tonight for dinner I had a bowl of steaming vegetable udon soup, a few pieces of vegetable sushi with loads of wasabi ([…]


I’m not sure if I should be posting this on
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I’m not sure if I should be posting this on Proven By Science or the publog, but since we haven’t had a beer story for a while, let’s put it here. What is this beautiful, albeit eighties fractal-esque, picture of. I’ll tell yo[…]

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INVALID FOOD: looking for classic vegetarian recipes for the poorly, after my kneejerk suggestion of Chicken Broth had been spurned, I reached for my trusty Mrs Beeton, who is always sensible on such matters. Three quarters of her standbys are also m[…]

CHEAP FOOD WE LOVE: Supplementary (Crisps, Post-Colonial Theory and)
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CHEAP FOOD WE LOVE: Supplementary (Crisps, Post-Colonial Theory and): I’ve been trying to pin down the recent branding shift in Phileas Fogg snacks, and I can’t do it, I don’t think, without invoking the late great Edward Said: I th[…]


Another Mysterious Brand
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Another Mysterious Brand: except this one I do like. Tastes like nothing else, has heroically resisted the tides of ‘brand expansion’, has never IIRC changed its packaging, and you never see adverts for it. Every time I see it I’m d[…]


I like Cherry Coke.
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There, thus proving the blinkered prejudice of fellow publogger. Think about it, would the mighty Coca-Cola Company, even if trading thru Schweppes, be so stupid as to continue making and marketing something if it did not sell. Before you say “[…]

Life’s Cruel Lottery
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Life’s Cruel Lottery: related to Dave’s anguish below – brands that refuse to die! I reached for a can of coke this morning as I picked up my paper, but the newsagent was temporarily out. Of Cherry Coke, however, there was no end. Y[…]


Oh No!
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Oh No! According to the man who works at Blackheath station newsagents (upstairs bit), Blackcurrant Airwaves are being phased out! I’ve checked with the Wrigleys UK site, but no news, good or bad. Not much news at all really. I hope it’s […]

Bars we have known
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Bars we have known. (And a moment of synchronicity with Mark’s last post). On Sunday morning, as you do, we wondered whether Wispas were still being made. Yours truly drew the short straw and made the long walk for the Sunday papers, and was al[…]

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(Facesaving item just this second remembered from same documentary: WISPA narrowly avoided being marketed as ROMBO)[…]


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  1. the punk community kindly disownes you, have your stuff packed, being hateful is not punk, honestly this is the most…