Archives – 2003 – September  

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On CD:UK this week electroclash was pronounced over by Cat Deeley and Duncan from Blue, which sounds fairly terminal to me. But its after-effects linger: mostly, the resurrection of (honorary) British pop, which is often more convincing when it doesn[…]

Speaking of links…
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Speaking of links…: I’ve finally updated the sidebar links. I’m sure I’m missing some important ones though – if you run a weblog that you think I would like and is partially or mostly to do with music, drop me a line. D[…]

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Spizzazz: While we’re on about the sidebar regulars, Spizzazz is back to full posting strength with a new design (won’t load on my slow connection) and at least one new member. I’m really glad, Spizzazz is and remains terrific. Post[…]

The Church Of Me
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The Church Of Me comes to a gratifyingly happy end this week. I’ve not always agreed with it – let’s face it, I’ve not always felt like reading it – but it’s held down a place in my favourite links firstly for the […]

La Casa Azul – En Noches Como La De Hoy
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I was really excited when I noticed that the La Casa Azul songs on the Elefant Records compilation I’d pick up were new. They released a triumphant EP a couple of years ago, featuring bombastic indie pop that only Spanish bands can produce.

Making karaoke backing tracks
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Making karaoke backing tracks would seem a simple affair: find lyrics, obtain or create instrumental track, away you go. Get the instrumental right and the lyrics as right as you can and you would probably have a winner. But more subtle consideration[…]

“it was great to meet you, i’m sorry
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“it was great to meet you, i’m sorry it was in a place where one could not really conduct a conversation @ normal talking volume” says duane of the Windmill in Brixton

Which it wasn’t, it’s true: the odd thing is that […]

Land Of A Thousand Dances
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Land Of A Thousand Dances is doing the even vaster American equivalent of the already brobdignagian Popular – reviews of every No.1 hit single, in this case starting in 1950. Even if you’re not interested in 1950s No.1 hits (and what kind[…]

B-b-but Tim what about the Black Eyed Peas
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B-b-but Tim what about the Black Eyed Peas? Was sad upon actually seeing local video for local street children by Black Eyed Peas that they were a rather earnest “killings be bad” (and that’s a good thing [har har]) collective rathe[…]

THE EXTREMISTS – Shine On (Titan Sounds)
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I have the impression that hip hop with a positive message is frowned on in this region of the blogosphere. I can’t easily point to any examples, so maybe that’s a straw man. Relentless positivity can be very dull, certainly, acting as a […]


Latest comments on FT

  1. The original Charlatans were the band who started the San Francisco sound I hate these guys because A they couldn't…

  2. Glad to hear that Coldplay's Christmas Lights is slipping down the charts. I swear I heard it everywhere this year…