Not only is Freaky Trigger BACKBackback but so is it peripatetic radio offshoot FREAKY TRIGGER AND THE LOLLARDS OF POP on Resonance FM. Broadcasting to ALL OF LONDON on crystal clear FM* on 104.4, webstreaming from the Resonance website and then popping up on here some time afterwards as a podcast. We said the last show would be the LAST SHOW, so discover what it was that made us come back for series three, and if we have jumped the shark.
The first show this weekend on Saturday 2:30pm – 3:30pm is hosted by myself, and I have hand picked guests of a genial and jolly nature. Namely Magnus “Norkmaiden” Anderson, Alix Campbell and Freakytrigger head honcho Tom Ewing himself. Looking way back into the past for this edition expect to hear about ancient cookbooks, superstitions and featuring an ALL NEW THEORY about the medieval world which threatens to shock history depts up and down the land. Silly about the serious, serious about the silly, the Lollards Of Pop are back.
Will this season be archived on this very site? And will it be on Saturdays usually, or just the first episode of the gleaming new season?
Yes, and yes!