No, not that one, it’s okay. I mean Timothy Thatcher, the wrestling one. No? The one with the mean face. No? Let’s start this story again… I love professional wrestling
Tree Rex. Eye Brawl. Scarlet Ninjini. If you’re the parent of a small boy there’s a good chance you know these names well: the ferocious cast of Skylanders, a computer-game-meets-action-figure franchise which has become my son’s first honest-to[…]
Ryan Lochte is never one to shy away from a good publicity stunt. He may have 11 Olympic swimming medals of various colours, but as you can see below his main talent is for getting people to look at him (this shot was taken for ESPN magazine).
I was suspicious of Live Action Role Playing for a long time. I had three excellent reasons: it couldn’t possibly work, it verged dangerously close to SPORTS, and most of all White Dwarf strongly hinted it was a stupid idea. At the time I took […]
I wrote a post before. in the “I Was A Goblin” series, about how the Dungeons & Dragons concept of player “levels” and “levelling up” was an innovation which became hardwired into pretty much every game since.[…]
Of the thousands and thousands of words that have been written about The John Terry Situation this week, Louise Taylor’s ridiculously florid piece in the guardian on Wednesday which starts: Fabio Capello’s still somewhat limited English v[…]
Been away for a while and will probably be away for a while longer, but I have a brief window to advance this now-glacial series a little further. So then, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds: William Shatner’s version, given a little extra ‘tr[…]
I’ve left it a little late, huh? The season could be over tonight, around 11pm. That’s Eastern Standard Time, Bronx Time, the time at Yankee Stadium, where the World Series returns this evening after a brief and inconclusive middle eight […]
Things I have never really understood. a) Pies at football b) People going to the toilet during a movie Both of these are predicated on the same issue really. Football matches take less than two hours. They take place, usually, in the afternoon ̵[…]
Block Blast:
Random Animal Generator:
Random Address Generator:https://addressgenerator.ap
Animal Sounds:
Infinite Craft:
Drift Boss: