Archives – marna  


Spherical-I Mozzarella (making daft food science)
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I don’t believe that the producers of A Day At El Bulli intended it to be used as a cookbook at all; it’s weighty and too glossy to risk splattering with kitchen messes, and most of the recipes call for freezedryers, pacojets, and other h[…]


Stichelton (cheesey lover #60)
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This raw-milk, blue cows cheese is made in Nottinghamshire. I bought some from Rennet and Press, and it’s also available from Neal’s Yard Dairy.

Stichelton’s a stilton-like cheese, but made with unpasturised milk. It’s a mois[…]


HAUNTOGRAPHY: The Treasure of Abbot Thomas
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You probably want to read The Treasure of Abbot Thomas before you read this.
In M R James’s universe everyone who matters is fluent in Latin. It’s not so for the modern reader – or at least this modern reader – and there&#8217[…]

Bleu de Termignon (cheesy lover #59)
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Blue raw cow’s milk cheese, made high up on a French alp, and bought from Mons.
Lunch is a thin wedge of this odd-looking cheese. The outer third the of the cheese is blue, and further towards the center it’s a soft pale crumbly primrose […]


Finn (cheesy lover #58)
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Christmas cheese next week! Stilton’s the canonical choice, I believe, but what are your Christmas cheesy traditions?
Soft raw-milk cow’s cheese, made in Herefordshire and bought from Neals Yard Dairy
This is a squat little barrel of[…]


Wigmore, Wensleydale, Strathdon Blue (cheesy lovers #55, #56, #57)
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Soft unpasturised sheeps cheese, made in Berkshire and bought from Neal’s Yard Dairy.
Our slice of this cheese has a thick wrinkled white and yellow rind. Inside, the paste is slippery and silky, melting onto the paper in an oozy sticky[…]


Four quick nibbles (cheesy lovers #51 – #54)
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Washed rind cheese, from Switzerland, bought from Kaseswiss.
My wedge of rubloz is pretty pungent, soft and squishy.The inner paste’s a pale creamy grey colour, and it’s coated in a darker biscuit-coloured rind. The rind is thick a[…]


Brillat Savarin, a mystery blue, and a very goaty camembert (cheesy lovers #48, #49, #50)
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Colleagues L and D bravely join me for this cheesy lunch.
Brillat Savarin
French unpasturised soft cow’s milk cheese, bought from Une Normande à Londres
We have a quarter of a squat round wheel of this cheese. It’s smooth and fluffy whit[…]

Picos de Europa & Tetilla (cheesy lovers #46 & #47)
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It’s almost exactly six months since I posted the first of these cheesy writeups, and  cheese # 50 is coming up later this week. Either of these things would be a good excuse for a celebration.  Both together most definitely are! Clearly, the[…]


Flower Marie, Woolsery and Dorstone (cheesy lovers #43, #44, #45)
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Flower Marie
Soft, white-rinded, raw-milk sheep cheese, from Sussex, bought from Neal’s Yard Dairy
Flower Marie comes in little brick-like squares. The rind is white with gentle pink tinge, and adorably soft and velvety-furred and strokeable &#[…]


Latest comments on FT

  1. Have you not learned yr caustic mouth lesson yet? This got me thinking of melting bodies in acid/alkali and WHICH…