REASON: Welcome one and welcome all, to the FreakyTrigger wing of a KWIZZ (quiz) sat for a hundred and blimey years by Isle of Man schoolkids. (“Please return your answers to the Principal’s Office by Monday 13th January.”)

RHYME: Themed sets of 10 questions each — a new one every day (or so). COLLABORATIN’ COMMENT CREW (C3) pile in — we can work it out.

REGZ: Don’t put googled answers up till after the next question appears — to let others show off their BRANES — and note where they are googled (or borrowed off of rival sites with good answers). OFF WE GO!

RIP: LiveJournal

Scire ubi aliquid invenire possis quod post omnes est maximus onus sutorum – Plautus

Round 1. During 1919:

 1 which Giant was mauled by the Kid?
 2 which keyboard virtuoso achieved premier status?
 3 whose first edition of what was inspired by Paul Gauguin?
 4 whose Divine intervention caused raised eyebrows in SW19?
 5 who received the Daily Mail Prize from the Secretary of State for War and Air?
 6 just 2½ hours into the new year, which aquiline vessel fell tragically foul of Holm Bastin?
 7 which tabloid, aimed at the men and women of tomorrow, was launched?
 8 how did epilepsy bring great sadness to George and Mary?
 9 despite soft speech, whose big stick would go no further?
10 who kept it in the family by the Tamar?