Whilst the threat of a Double Dip Recession is nothing to make light of, there is at least one aspect fondly remembered from 2008. Like the gurningly beautiful twins on A-Level result day, there is only one way our online news sources know how to celebrate this. Pictures of bankers with heads in their hands. So all day (and feel free to send me links), I’ll be updating this post with just that.
3:08PM The markets are rallying. Like they did three summers ago. Still a long way to go, but I’ll probably leave you with this one from the Evening Standard for now. Early prices Special (there was nothing special about the early prices). If only we could zoom in to see what he is saying in that outlook window. I’d give you good money (which is worth NOTHING now) that it is SELL SELL SELL.

2:18PM Sky News: its your iPad optimised web gusher. And they take this important story from two different angles. The wrap-around the back of the head, and the full frontal prayer support of the chin. Both are risky stabs at the head in hand, but both count in my book.

2:07PM The Telegraph are knocking it out of the park today (thanks to Stevie T for this spot).

1:49PM Channel 4 News webpage goes for a low mouth clutch, a strangled scream…

1:05PM Let’s go abroad again, and this time to one of the places being blamed for this crisis. Italy. A nice little top of the head reverse hold here from Il Foglio. Their story is headlined: Il feticcio della discontinuità Google Translate fans.

12:58PM Oh Washington Post. Have courage of you convictions. On the front page you lead with this great photo. Click through and it the boring old Reuters Sun one from below.

12:26PM Mark S points out something very interesting regarding Black Friday. If you Google it these days you are much more likely to get this. REBECCA BLACK FRIDAY.
Kat has also found some useful advice if the news is disturbing you: What to do if the news upsets you. Though kicking off with a recap of the Dublane massacre seems a touch counter productive.
Daily Mail using an AFP image here – which is known in the business as a Bad-Day/Nosebleed shot.

12:13PM If you are finding this all too depressing, why not go to “Women Laughing Alone With Salad”.
Also pleased to see that an old Tumblr that I was not aware of, but clearly had to exist from a few years back with an identical idea has sprung back to life with the Reuters/Sun photo. The Brokers With Hands On Their Faces Blog
To which I note that Le Monde is apparently not taking this seriously:

12:06PM And now to Australia, where we may have a hint of what we are expecting when the US opens. Namely the trifecta of the Banker head in hands WITH A MOBILE. This is one hand, nicely splayed fingers, with something in the other, from News.com.au – taking a parochial view of the crisis (Australian sharemarket dives after Wall Street tumbles on recession fears). I think its the first place I have seen the phrase BLACK FRIDAY used with regards to today however.

11:59AM You can always trust Reuters (and it appears that Sun image came from them – get your own Banker with head in hands photos). The full back of the head here, from this story which suggests that the new banking crisis is about to get worse (if that’s what All Eyez On Payrollz means)

11:49AM I have started to notice a slight trend. Its almost as if Barclay’s Capital traders are TRAINED to put their head in their hands in the most photogenic way. What photographer, from say the Telegraph, could ignore this little beauty. Yes its a one hand, face job but such pathos, such drama.

11:42AM US Markets haven’t opened yet but the New York Times is an old hand at these. These two are classics from their front page slideshow.

11:33AM It is a Global Recession after all so let’s see what the Germans are saying. Welt Online uses the wonderful phrase SALAMICRASH – but no proper heads in hands.
Bild on the other hand goes the Sun route (not just with naked women on its front page). If anyone can do the German for me that would be great.

11:25AM The Daily Express as ever doesn’t worry so much about the global economy, rather WHAT WILL IT DO TO OUR PENSIONS BOO HOO! Note this picture of Barclay’s trader with head in hands may be an old one from when he discovered Diana was dead.

11:15AM The Tabloids are happy to play this game too, though are completely down with the programme. Here we have The Sun with a one hand one head policy from their Market panic as shares crash further page.

11:07AM Nice work here from the Telegraph. A four way montage : three with heads in hands, the fourth with a thumbs down from their DEBT CRISIS LIVE page.

19.53AM Lets start with the gold standard The Guardian. Banker with head in hand right profile

The Guardian: Banker with head in hand left profile.