Archives – 2008 – January  

Freaky Trigger and the Lollards of Pop – Series 2, Week 7
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International Pop, with Sarah Clarke, Kat Stevens, Tom Ewing, Magnus Anderson and Elisha Sessions on knobs.

“Ha Ha” (?) mucky foreign pop. The “Game of Seduction” requires you to make a seduction roll. The Spanish for ‘busted’. Threads vs the cosy apocalypse Inc. Stump v Scooter. The rules of dirty chicken. Fall go “Free Range”.


Paul Morley, what is he good for?
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Pop, What Is It Good For (BBC4, last night) was kind of the centrepiece of BBC4’s Giant Month O’ Pop and it was a rather interesting beast. Obviously an hour of Morley expounding on music is unlikely to be a bad thing, he’s one of […]

(on our) back back BACK
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[naughtyclanger.jpg] Tonight’s Freaky Trigger And The Lollards Of Pop gets Down and Dirrrty with international pop: should we be scared of what we don’t understand? (We share our experiences so you don’t have to.) Plus what else scares […]


You Can Stick Your Novelty Guinness Hat Up Yr Arse
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And so it came to pass that the cynical amongst us noted that this year they haved moved St Patricks Day from the usual 17th March which would have been a QNI Monday, to the far more party friendly 15th March, a Saturday. Whilst the articles and so o[…]


Corporate Chicken: When Will I Be Famous (Bowl)
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There is something fascinating about the differences in the generic. If the point of global fast food brands is a comforting familiarity, it is the surprising differences which can sometimes make them even more interesting*. The nature of franchising[…]

The Worst Films Of Last Year (2007) : Part 2 – 5 to 1
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So the sharp end then. All the caveats still apply from the previous list which if you haven’t read, shows the eternal battle between Vampires and Werewolves in the wars of rubbishness. All left in the shade by this batch however. Perhaps I sho[…]

Mario Bandwagon — Keep On Loving You
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The Physics of Super Mario Galaxy.
I’m loving this game (about half way through I reckon), but if I have a complaint, it is that the visual resolution of where you are in all the magnificent 3D-ness is a little underdetermined by the graphics y[…]

Hillary The Vampire Slayer
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Terrific compare and contrast between the Republican electoral nominatees and the bad guys in Buffy The Vampire Slayer. It is amazing how far a couple of passing resemblances and a bit of satire can go. Fred Thompson as The Judge is tripply clever be[…]


paper versus rock: marianne dreams at the almeida
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as her xmas present, doctrah becky took the younger of her two little godsons (he’s seven) to this dramatisation of catherine storr’s puffin-club children’s classic, a book she and i grew up on — and i got to tag along (i&#821[…]


I Wanna Make You Sweet
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Sweetbreads: culinary term for the pancreas or thymus. However a lot of people (myself included) still think sweetbreads are testicles. I mean its al OM NOM NOM NOM as far as I am concerned, and once prepared I am not sure I could necessarily taste t[…]


Latest comments on FT

  1. Really enjoyed the series of blogs so far , seems informed balanced yet not afraid to point out where things…

  2. It was clearly a Steve Austin clone---with a few facial close-ups heavily reminiscent of Lee Majors---but it's pulp-dramatic overkill was…