Archives – 2005 – May  

Great GIANT SQUID news for all our readers!
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WAHEY! the Natural History Museum is going to have a real actual GIANT SQUID in a tank, although I think the graun is pushing it by saying “…for the first time ever, members of the public will get to see one of the most mysterious animals[…]

Tomato sauce 2005
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Somewhere in the archives last year I talked about the trials and errors I was doing in making my own tomato sauce — another year and I’ve returned to it with a vengeance, and happily so. I’ve got the basic sauce preparation down t[…]

More on the frog.
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I think Tom is probably right when he says on ILX that if it starts a trend of ringtone-themed hits it won’t be a great thing. However, isn’t this the wrong way round to look at things? I’m sure I went on ages ago (probably in a com[…]

Who needs Dr. Spock when there is Dr. Fegg?
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A recent bout of Pythonism — it happens every so often — prompted me to break out the apparently out of print Dr. Fegg’s Encyclopedia of All World Knowledge, as written by Messers Jones and Palin of said troupe. Much like good ol&#[…]

Not a Star Wars post
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I refer you to this thread instead, where you will find love and hate of an epic proportion. I am on the love side and I care not what you think. (Not entirely true, but you’re not going to change my mind!)
Instead I wish to talk to you about[…]

An American considers the Crazy Frog
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…huh. I admit to the same disappointment Jess feels here — surely the whole point of a frog doing a cover of “Axel F,” aka the world’s greatest example of form following function (we have a synth, we shall play on the s[…]

Paul Bearer And The Hearsemen – I’ve Been Thinking
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Paul Bearer And The Hearsemen – I’ve Been Thinking
After last week’s festival of Europop something a little more atavistic. I don’t listen to a lot of garage rock, but this jumped out at me when I first heard it a few years ag[…]

kitchen nightmare ex-poh-zay??
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in which g.ramsay by the magickal technique of shoutin a lot w.a purple face turned a beardy no-mark no-cookin cowboy into a chef in six weeks
ok so far so didn’t-we-already-do-this? except this time the cut to the chase made no sense: the res[…]

Heathcliff FITE
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Roving reporter Alix spots a poll on the Isle of Wight website: Who’s Wuthering Heights is better – Bronte’s or Bush’s?. Cross-discipline wranglings in the area! But why this area???[…]


Latest comments on FT

  1. Thank for the blog it is well written and i love it the way you have presented it in online…

  2. Tom, I loved loved loved these polls and participated obsessively, until one day (it was March 2023) I just stopped…

  3. I feel sad that I couldn't persistently engage in every poll as much as I'd have liked - and not…

  4. Thanks for doing the polls, Tom, and for writing this lovely, considered, reflective piece. It’s given me closure on my…