Archives – 2001 – April  

Would You Adnams And Eve It?
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Would You Adnams And Eve It?: mostly so I can use that awful pun but also to resuscitate a passed-out Publog, part one of a tour of brewery websites. This one uses a) Flash and b) local ale-drinking folk to c) boring effect. Mentions of word “r[…]

Complimenting other men’s wives
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Complimenting other men’s wives can be a practise fraught with danger. However on this occasion I have little choice. Dan Perry – your wife rocks.[…]

DESTINY’S CHILD – “Survivor”
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(Yes, again. You have a problem?)
(Word to contributors: I think Blogger’s great, as long as you dont mess with the window size and if you remember to CTRL-C a post before you publish it.)
What I noticed this morning: the very end of the song, […]

Okay, never mind, I give up
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Okay, never mind, I give up — three attempts to try and edit and publish a simple announcement about how I’m proud to announce the debut of Otis Wheeler’s new column The Third Door have now failed and produced garbage. Blogger can […]

Isn’t that what the Rolling Stones are for?
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Isn’t that what the Rolling Stones are for?: In Britain, the search is on for a new manufactured band. But don’t apply if you’re a Justin Timberlake-alike with smooth moves and 6-pack abs. Oh no. They’re looking for men over t[…]

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Phew! I Love Music is back! Just as well. Particularly since I have good grounds for believing that is about to be bolloxed for a few days. Remember that FT maintains its presence here and in times if grave site emergency you can us[…]

I am kicking myself
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I am kicking myself for not discovering the elegant Armchair DJ sooner: a crisply written pop review site with an admirable aesthetic and a very pleasant design. Very nice indeed. Via Scrubbles, which knows a bit about aesthetics and designs.[…]

Freaky Trigger: Cure Site Central
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freaky trigger : all cure, all the time
everyday – beach kyoto paris siam : : i love the cure : : cure artefacts

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  1. "As published, Dredd is tough but gives at least the illusion of fairness." There are two things about MC1 that…