Archives – 2000 – October  

The mark of a good review
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The mark of a good review is that it forces me to read to the end even when I have no wish whatsoever to hear the album. For example: motion’s review of Photek’s Solaris – balanced, intriguing, finely written. Motion, in fact, are r[…]

Why I don’t want to be a ‘real’ rock critic, part million
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Why I don’t want to be a ‘real’ rock critic, part million: via catherine.
Oh, and has redesigned and now looks….garish. But, good news! You need no longer wade through non-pieces on arsey Coldplay dates when you visit,[…]

Quick Round-Up
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Quick Round-Up of what’s new and good on vaguely affiliated sites, since I’m probably going to be too a) busy b) glum c) banjaxed by server arse to do much today.
– Fred reviews the new Johnny Cash album.: I think it’s one of […]

Some good news to start your day:
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Some good news to start your day: Zack leaves Rage Against The Machine. (via Us Vs Them, whose commentary on it says it all, really.)[…]

TEENAGE FANCLUB – “I Need Direction”
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TEENAGE FANCLUB – “I Need Direction”
Every forward-looking critic has a classic-rockin’ skeleton in their cupboard, some band that makes them cough, shuffle and reach for the MOJO Style Guide: “wonderful harmonies…[…]

PILOT – January
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PILOT – January
You think I’m going to do twelve months of this crap, you’ve got another thing coming.
All that said though, January by Pilot is a godawful piece of shit which does deserve a singular bashing. I think many of us cou[…]

The Cider Armadillo
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The Cider Armadillo: Tom appears to be posting much up on Blue Lines that would fit happily here too. To wit the secret arts of the Cider Armadillo – as taught to us by Exeter City’s finest Tim. Now I cannot say I strictly approve of nove[…]

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In TV’s Scrapheap Challenge, participants have to build some working device out of stuff they can find in, yes, a scrapheap. (By amazing coincidence someone always seems to have thrown away a working mot[…]

The saddest thing about
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The saddest thing about Salon‘s copping out of its music criticism is that when it does bother to run a pop feature – like The Hard Rap Cafe, a review of the new hip-hop exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum – they’re often excellent[…]

On his own site
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On his own site, NYLPM stalwart Robin C reviews The Coup, and also has updated his meticulous history/analysis of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop.[…]


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  1. "As published, Dredd is tough but gives at least the illusion of fairness." There are two things about MC1 that…