Jason Mills, Manchester
I recently purchased ye famous D100 and noticed at once (Spot Hidden 75%) that the faces we not equally spaced. To be specific, they are farthest apart nearer the ‘poles’ of the die. This did not strike me as a good way to run a randomiser.
5164 rolls later, my suspicions were confirmed. I enclose a copy of my results; mean 51.64, standard deviation 13, and you can work out further statistics for yourself.
What is immediately obvious, however, is that numbers below 8 and above 93 occur with les frequency. In terms we will all understand, this means that using a D100 one is less likely to score critical hits, fumbles, etc than with a standard 2d10. The numbers below 8 and above 93 are, incidentally, the ones located around the ‘poles’ of the die…
White Dwarf 85, January 1987
Porfavor deseo adquirir el dado de cien caras, no encuentro en ninguna parte de monterrey este lo necesito para una estrategia didactica de matematicas
“pingback” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zocchihedron#cite_note-1
Nah bro, “we” aren’t all goblins now. YOU are a goblin for counting 5164 different die rolls… bruh do you not have another hobby T_T