Nuncle Carsmile Steve presides over an hour of the finest radio lolling with his consummate guests (they were consummated in the studio) Magbot Anderson, Eli Sessions and Kat Stevens. In this episode of theme-time radio some stuff happens, I know not what yet as I haven’t heard it yet, though there is almost certainly some sort of “And British People dance like this” material from Eli cos he’s a septic and that always seems to be the way these things shake out.
Audio PlayerThis is another excellent installment! The discussion of church and state is handled with such nuance and clarity. I'm really…
Lollards bombard dim American with British television theme songs through the ages. Amusement parks of East Tennessee (hello Twitty City) and “God games” are mooted and toyed with; an outrageously funky version of “Thus Spake Zarathustra” and a mashup of “Circus Bells (Hardfloor Remix)” by Robert Armani and “Islands in the Stream” by Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers get all-too-rare airings.
The Internet appears to claim that Twitty City was in Hendersonville, near Nashville, but I can testify there was certainly a Pigeon Forge location as well — a “branch” I guess??
The Superstar’s theme was the US theme for Monday Night Football.
The Alton Towers Theme is Stately Home (which counts as a theme).
Theme Parks is the classified ad slang for “Role-play”.
Is Civilization a god game? Is civilization the board game a “competing” god game. Is Monopoly a god game? Or do Estate agents and property developers just think they are gods? OR DEVILS!!!
The ITN theme is called Non-Stop by Michael John Batt and is AWESOME. He was seventeen when he wrote it, so it makes him the Billie of light music.
Are you guys going to Middlesbrough when Resonance relocates there “lock, stock and microphones” at end Feb / first week of March? (Just for that one week or so, I should add.) Or will this series of Lollards be over by then?
Is “Michael John Batt” the same person as Mike “Wombles/Vote William Hague” Batt?
Middlesbrough, eh? Look out for the imminent return to Resonance FM of long-lost Radio 1 DJ “Me” Mark Page!
Marcello, no it’s someone else. It’s actually John Batt… I’ll probably get told off for copying but…
The original ITN theme – Non Stop
ITN used Non-Stop right from its inception in 1955. It was a 10″ 78rpm mood music disc on the FDH (Francis Day & Hunter) label, FDH 072 Non-Stop (John Malcolm) 2m50 (orig sig tune of ITN) c/w Paris to Piccadilly (Busby) 3m02 L’Orch. Devereaux-Georges Devereaux. It is a track on the CD “Great British Experience”, released November 1997. [Arthur Dungate, John Wardle]
John Batt (“John Malcolm” was his pen-name) is or was a solicitor from Wimbledon, who just wrote the piece for a school concert and it was orchestrated by the late great Clive Richardson, also a Wimbledon inhabitant). [Gavin.Sutherland]
ah, me mark page, isn’t it? wasn’t it? teesside airshow, 1982? wincey willis? bubble perms for goalposts…
i remember me mark page driving me to DISTRACTION one morning when he said he was going to play the new adam ant record (possibly prince charming?) and then not playing it like five records in a row and then i had to go to school…
You’re right, my dumb memory is what it was. What was it?
Other country Theme Parks: Dixie Chicken Farm, George Jonestown (closed after the massacre) and of course Keith in Scotland is named after Toby Keith.
the map is the territory: