Delightful nonsense — that’s the standard way to write off this song, and at FT we find nothing wrong with that. Indeed some would say there is no higher accolade. However as any illuminati or discordianista will tell you, the best place to hide the TRUTH is in PLAIN SIGHT (and on national television if you can) where people will assume it is nonsense. Ahhhhh!
“Bring home a dime, Make mine a 99”
No. It IS total nonsense. Awesome. It’s also the KLF’s last new single proper — although with the KLF, this is a blurry-line to define as the song is material recycled from not just other artists but also previous KLF productions. After this they did re-release a version of 3AM eternal with Extreme Noise Terror, performed with ENT at the Brits, and that was (sort of) that. (Full and proper details in William Shaw’s Select article from July 1992.)
Here’s THAT ToTP performance (via ToTP2 sadly):
Tammy bless her. But It was all about the ice-cream van, first seen with my personal favourite It’s Grim Up North (only no 81 in out top 100), and the dancing ice-cream cones with mickey-mouse gloves (for it is THEY). Isn’t it? Read nothing more into it.
Delightfully, awesome nonsense. I can live with that definition. 7 weeks in the UK top 5, but agonisingly held at #2 for 2 weeks by Queen, in the wake of Freddie’s death.