Archives – 2004 – October  

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It’s possible if you decide to go wildly insane on us that you cd hunt down actual real grown-up discussions, pro and con, of the US system of choosing the President, the loved-and-hated Electoral College – and even[…]

Its Just like Watching…Garforth Town
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Its Just like Watching…Garforth Town
A lovely little story about Socrates, of that their Brazil (in the 80’s admittedly) playing for a non-league side. However just because it is on a “Funny Old Game” part of the BBC website, […]

Rock, Paper, Scissors
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Rock, Paper, Scissors
There’s a great article on this game (which had its world championships recently) here, explaining how it isn’t as artificial a situation as you might think – it describes a set of dice where over a number of &[…]

A Defence of Mike Riley
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A Defence of Mike Riley
I feel the level of criticism is unwarranted.
He got most of the decisions right. The Ljundberg / Ferdinand coming together was probably the most controversial. It was a push, but Ljunberg’s reaction was to get on with i[…]

El Diego
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El Diego
Maradona has rushed out his story after a succession of problems with his heart. “This book isn’t about my private life,” he says, curiously for an autobiography, and context is relegated to the footnotes. The subtext is Ma[…]

the negative pragmatics of soxmania
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the negative pragmatics of soxmania: or CURSES!! FOILED AGAIN!!
3lisha S3ssions writes: “It’s only in recent years that the word “curse” came to be associated with the Red Sox’s particular brand of hope-dashing bad luck[…]

Light moustache for multiball
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Light moustache for multiball: the Hitler pinball machine may have been canned but we hope the Moses edition enters production – hit all ten commandments for jackpot…[…]

the greatest comeback in sports history
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the greatest comeback in sports history??
clearly it is odd for me to be bloggin abt the SoXorZes but i am v.interested of curses – there are not enuff in brit sports i think… anyway, outlanders, is this claim true beyond the borders of […]

While proper management nerds
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While proper management nerds are waiting for the knock-down drag-out battle between Championship Manager 5 and the all-new Football Manager, I have been waiting for tomorrow’s release of LMA Manager 2005, their idiot-proof console cousin. I li[…]


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i just this minute underwent the MOST EXCITING SPORTS RECAP i ever heard = Mr TR4CER H4ND explaining me the redsox hoohah by mobile, as they last night in the face of the legendary 86-year-old curse beat back the yankeeZoRz from 3[…]


Latest comments on FT

  1. the punk community kindly disownes you, have your stuff packed, being hateful is not punk, honestly this is the most…