Archives – 2004 – August  

In August 2004 Blog Seven was a weblog about London
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In August 2004 Blog Seven was a weblog about London.[…]

Leaving London
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Leaving London — whenever I do leave London it’s always the end of whatever trip I’ve been on to Europe, wherever else I’ve been in the country or continent. It was the case the last three times, it will be again next year wh[…]

Vanishing London: The Harvill Press London Writing Series
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Vanishing London: The Harvill Press London Writing Series
I read Harvill books. I don’t read any old Harvill book, obviously, because some of them look very long and very boring but there’s an amazing strike-rate of quality in the numbere[…]

full moon over scratchwood
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full moon over scratchwood
So I’m just back from a. real proper actual holiday abroad for the first time in more than 20 years (ie not a work-related trip and more than three days) (more on this when blog7 switches theme), and b. depping while[…]

My walk to work every morning
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My walk to work every morning takes me along the back side of Buckingham Palace. The other side of the road – Grosvenor Place – is all blocky Regency pomp and big pillared porticos, interrupted by the occasional corporate HQ. The biggest […]

My own tale of Notting Hill hipness beyond description
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My own tale of Notting Hill hipness beyond description — by chance, back in 2000 I was invited to attend the opening night of Alan McGee’s club he started a few months after Creation pissed away the last bits of champagne. What was it ca[…]

Notting Hell
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Notting Hell
This weekend is the Notting Hill Carnival. Luckily I’m going to Scotland and will be shielded from dancing policemen, incessant steel drumming and ear-killing whistles. Warm cans of Red Stripe are available at inflated prices from […]

The closest I got to the Marquee was the pub that took it over
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The closest I got to the Marquee was the pub that took it over — four times been to London, and while I’ve seen a couple of shows courtesy of Meltdown (it was Scott Walker’s year and why yes I *was* desperately trying to get into th[…]

On Monday I set off
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On Monday I set off earlier than usual for work. I was pleased with myself because I had caught a bus just as it was starting to rain. I was going to get in dry and have a nice productive early start. Less than a minute from home, the bus was held up[…]

From the travel news
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From the travel news on the radio this morning, but not on the various websites (as far as I can see) came the important intelligence: Canada Water tube station was closed. The reason: an unusual smell.
Why choose today? How did they know when to re[…]


Latest comments on FT

  1. Very good article,I benefited a lot from it.

  2. Brilliant satire! The government's passive-aggressive tone is chef's kiss. Love the Colin Powell/Forrest Gump & clock details. So dismissive, yet revealing.

  3. Very good article<a href="" target="_blank">,</a> I benefited a lot from it<a href=" " target="_blank">.</a>

  4. Very good article<a href=" " target="_blank">,</a> I benefited a lot from it<a href= " " target="_blank">.</a>