Archives – Series – The Freaky Trigger Top 25 Animals  

THE FT TOP 25 ANIMALS – 11. Sheep
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“It’s sheep we’re up against!” trilled the Housemartins – has there been an animal which gets a worse recent press than the humble sheep? It’s almost a rite of passage for every gimp who fancies themselves as alter[…]

THE FT TOP 25 ANIMALS – 12: Stick Insects
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It is an insect. That looks like a stick. And the punchline of the sorely under-used joke “what’s insectile and sticky?” That would be enough for its greatness status. But the true story of the stick insect is even more unbelievable[…]

THE FT TOP 25 ANIMALS – 13. Penguins
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Penguins are so great that you could easily construct a top five of penguins. So easily that even though Blogger just et the first run round of this post, I am doing it again.
5: The Emperor Penguin
Looks like a butler, yadda yadda. Falls over when p[…]

The FT Top 25 Animals – 18. Meerkats
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You know the rumbling swell of laughter, that starts with one influential person in the office, and then the scrawny middle manager, the one who goes RUNNING, you know the sort don’t you – well, she starts laughin[…]

THE FT TOP 25 ANIMALS – 14. Giant Turtle
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In Doctor Doolittle And The Secret Lake Dr. D goes to a secret lake, there he talks to a giant turtle who is the only living thing who remembers the flood! This giant turtle knows the secrets of the ages (I’ve forgotten what they are exactly), […]

THE FT TOP 25 ANIMALS – 15. The World’s Smallest Monkey
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There is some debate as to which small monkey this actually is:
the pygmy marmoset? (caution very small indeed)
or the tarsier, voted the official world’s cutest animal in 1997 despite brazenly overdoing the big eye ‘thing’ in my ra[…]

THE FT TOP 25 ANIMALS – 16. Polar Bear
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Lion of the North! They’re not actually white you know, more a kind of grubby cream colour. They devour seals and mints in equal measure. Perennial British wildlife TV favour[…]

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(NB the #18 animal will appear soon, we have commissioned an expert in the field to write a piece and will publish it out of sequence!)
My work has been on a drive to get everyone to complete their profiles on the Company Intranet. This is 3000 peopl[…]

The FT Top 25 Animals – 19: Giant Squid
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Who knows the secrets of the giant squid? Nobody! Well, nobody knows all of them – nobody really knows how big they can get or much about their life cycles and habits way down in the ocean murk. What we know about them comes mostly from their c[…]

THE FT TOP 25 ANIMALS – 20. Pandas
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We love the underdog right? Nature doesn’t. The history of evolution (and one would imagine slightly less intelligent design creationism) is full of animals which did not quite make it. The dodo for example was a big stupid evolutionary backwat[…]


Latest comments on FT

  1. The original Charlatans were the band who started the San Francisco sound I hate these guys because A they couldn't…

  2. Glad to hear that Coldplay's Christmas Lights is slipping down the charts. I swear I heard it everywhere this year…

  3. I don’t often give guarantees, but I am certain you will love both The Husbands and All Fours :)

  4. I’m really enjoying Wyrd Sisters and I like how you reviewed all those books with a lot of enthusiasm and…