Archives – Series – An Advent Triptych of Atheism  

Advent Triptych of Atheism: Derren Brown ‘Tricks of the Mind’
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Actual book review: an enjoyable, untidy compendium of a book – the author’s fake smugness, modesty and self deprecation pulls off the trick of hauling you enthusiastically through musings, memoir, memory tricks, mesmerism and magic.

Advent Triptych of Atheism: Richard Dawkins ‘The God Delusion’
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As a change from other reviews, I’m not going to touch much on the intellectual content of this book. This book is selling incredibly well. It has garnered a LOT of publicity in the US (I gather) and is a bit of “surprise” christmas[…]

Advent Triptych of Atheism: Daniel Dennett ‘Breaking the Spell’
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This book is not for you – it said to me in the preface. Me in this case being a non-US reader – however I was already disqualified being a fully paid up member of the choir already, having read pretty much everything by Dennett that has […]


An Advent Triptych of Atheism (I did me some book readin’): intro
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What links these books is their atheistic viewpoint – a sceptical approach to our own beliefs and an awareness of the shortcomings of human psychology and thinking – but coming from three very different perspectives. A very American “ground[…]

Latest comments on FT

  1. I appreciate the author’s insights! I played the Sprunki game today, and it was awesome. Highly recommend it! No matter…