There are those who do not care for the beer festival, see Tim below. There are others who relish a challenge, will take on the enemy at face value and like the idea of a good Leo*. And so Sarah and Carsmile got there about three, and I rolled in at four to what is THE BIGGEST PUB IN THE WORLD.
What was clear early on was some of Tim’s dislike (it is not a pub) is a little unwarranted. It may not be a traditional pub, but then horse brasses do not maketh the pub either, so says the Publog philosophy. Now maybe a giant aircraft hanger-like convention centre does not equal a pub either, but gathered around or table we felt securely social. We also steered well away from the live music. And we steered our palates around lots of real ales, none of which were terrible, most of which were nice. (I visited planet cider on two occasions, equally interesting.) It was all very pleasant and despite the presence of a few hundred kegs of ale, not all about the beer.
Indeed quite quickly it became all about the PIE (which would have dismayed Tim on his diet even more). There was a pork pie stall which had lots of different types for ‘1.30. This was after a pretty substantial Cornish pasty. From a smart drinking perspective our ration was a pie per pint (drinking halves seems slower anyway). From a carry-out perspective the general haul of pork pie beat any amount of beer to be found in a plastic container.
I am sure the others will chip in on the general bonhomie, hats and the demographical changes during the day, but we drank, ate and was social. It was a good drinking experience.
*Leo Sayer, all dayer. Not based on any of his musical talents, merely a rhyme. Which is why, to be perpetuated in language, a good rhyming name like Gareth Hunt is always useful.