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UncoolTwo50 VIII: Numerous Ways You Can Choose To Earn Funds
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48. MOBB DEEP – “Shook Ones Pt II” (1995)

The UncoolTwo50 challenge period covers the time – roughly speaking, 1989 to 1996 – when I took a lot of my cues about music and its quality from the weekly music press.[…]


#UncoolTwo50 VII: Please Don’t Knock It Until You’ve Tried It
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49. QUAD CITY DJ’S – “C’mon N’ Ride It (The Train)” (1996)

There was a bit of chat the other day when Pitchfork released its list of Top Tracks Of The 2020s So Far; as is often the way it was sparked by th[…]


#UncoolTwo50 VI: The Past Is Made Of Gold
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50. THE AUTEURS – “The Rubettes” (1999)

This song is now as old as “Sugar Baby Love” by The Rubettes was when Luke Haines borrowed its hook for “The Rubettes”. It’s been squatting in my head for those 25 years; it[…]


#UncoolTwo50 III: Just A Step On The Boss-Man’s Ladder
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A third instalment of tracks which didn’t make my #UncoolTwo50 list – which starts TOMORROW; there is still time to enter, all you need is a list of 50 singles from 1977-1999. In fact what you could do is take the 30 I’ve put up so […]


#UncoolTwo50 II: He Fills His Head With Culture
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A second set of songs from the #UncoolTwo50 project, launching on Monday night/Tuesday on Bluesky – have you finalised your 50 tracks yet? This set is still in the “nearly-made-it” category, though we’re starting to see things[…]


#UncoolTwo50 I: Rough Like A Ninja
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The #UncoolTwo50 is a simple exercise of daunting scope. Pick your 50 favourite singles from 1977 to 1999 (and then list them as part of the public challenge, which is happening on Bluesky from October 1st). I don’t know if these are the best ever […]


A Big Thing Or A Small
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The People’s Pop Polls end this weekend after four years, three months, and something like 47 tournaments of almost 12,000 pop songs. They started in March 2020, a way of solving a very acute problem which turned into a way of so[…]


Four Candles
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One thing about the streaming revolution in pop is that it gives us a pretty accurate tracker of the UK’s changing tastes in Christmas songs. Now, by “tastes in Christmas songs” it’s probably fairer to say “what goes on Christmas playlists[…]


3. Priceless Junk
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(The third part of the 3-part piece about the 1000th Number 1, the charts, and 20 years of writing about them. Part 1. Part 2. See also the pieces on #999 and #1000 on Popular.)

Here’s the thing, though. I still really like pop music.

When I […]


2. All My Lazy Teenage Boasts Are Now High Precision Ghosts
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(This is Part 2 of a 3 part piece around the 1000th No.1. Part 1 is here but you might also want to read about the 999th Number 1)

Dr Manhattan is on Mars, some time before he leaves our Universe at the end of Watchmen to become a meme. It is 1958[…]


Latest comments on FT

  1. The original Charlatans were the band who started the San Francisco sound I hate these guys because A they couldn't…

  2. Glad to hear that Coldplay's Christmas Lights is slipping down the charts. I swear I heard it everywhere this year…

  3. I don’t often give guarantees, but I am certain you will love both The Husbands and All Fours :)